Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Council - Wednesday, 29th January, 2025 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, St Peter's Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1SH

Contact: Jaswinder Kaur  01902 550320 or Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence

Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Jenny Cockayne, Councillor Rashpal Kaur, Councillor Bob Maddox and Councillor John Reynolds.


Declarations of interest

Additional documents:


Councillor Paul Appleby, Councillor Sally Green, Councillor Rita Potter, and Councillor Zee Russell declared a registerable interest in Item 8 – Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2025 – 2026 including Rent and Service Charges, as board members of Wolverhampton Homes.


Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 128 KB

[To receive minutes of the previous meeting held on 4 December 2024 ]


Additional documents:


The Mayor proposed, the Deputy Mayor seconded, and it was resolved:


That the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 4 December 2024, be agreed as a correct record and signed accordingly by the Mayor.



[To receive the Mayor’s announcements]

Additional documents:


1.Mayoral Events

The Mayor reported she had maintained links with our armed forces veterans community by attending their Christmas events. She had hosted two Christmas parties for children from our schools. She had also attended Christmas choir services and festive events organised by her chosen charities.


The Mayor reported she had maintained the Council’s support for the Ukrainian community by attending the traditional Ukrainian Christmas Carol Service which coincides with the Orthodox New Year in mid-January.


The Mayor reported Holocaust Memorial Day, was marked by a solemn event in the Art Gallery and was a stark reminder of what can happen when mankind loses sight of basic humanity and respect for other beliefs.


2. Charity Fundraising

The Mayor thanked all for their donations at last months Full Council Christmas Jumper event which raised £328.52 and the annual Ebay auction had raised £1188.


The Mayor reported her next fundraising event is Quiz ‘n Chips Night on the 12th February.



3.Freedom of the City

The Mayor was delighted to host a luncheon on Friday 7th February to honour former Wolves player and commercial manager John Richards who had been awarded Freeman of the City.


4.Bill Redston

The Mayor was delighted to report, she and the Leader were meeting with First Lieutenant Bill Redston RN (Retired) who became a centenarian last month, for a belated birthday celebration.


The Mayor wished Councillor Leigh New a happy birthday.


Report of Leader of the Council

[To receive a report from the Leader of the Council]

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Stephen Simkins, provided Council with an update on the Our Future Council programme and the impact of the government finance settlement.


The Leader of the Opposition Group, Councillor Simon Bennett, responded to the update.


Councillor Stephen Simkins replied to the response


Questions by Members of the Public pdf icon PDF 83 KB

[That the relevant Executive Members respond to questions received]

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for City Development, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Chris Burden, responded to a question put to him by a member of the public Mr Karun Thaper.


LGA Peer Review Action Plan pdf icon PDF 72 KB

[To approve the City of Wolverhampton Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan]

Additional documents:


1.    That the City of Wolverhampton LGA Peer Review Action Plan be approved.

2.    That authority be delegated to the Leader of the Council in consultation with the Chief Operating Officer to approve minor amendments to the LGA Peer Review Action Plan.

3.    That it be noted, the Cabinet would bring an update on progress against the peer review action plan to Scrutiny Board on a quarterly basis as part of the regular pre-reporting on performance, budget and risk and would update at those meetings on any changes to the action plan.


The Cabinet Member for Governance and Equalities, Councillor Paula Brookfield presented the report on LGA Peer Review Action Plan for approval.


The report detailed; the Council had developed an action plan in response to recommendations from the Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge feedback report which was undertaken in 2024. The production and implementation of an Action Plan were core requirements of the Corporate Peer Challenge process.


The Local Government Association peer team would return to the Council in June 2025 for a progress meeting to discuss how the Council were delivering against the action plan.


The action plan would be a living document and performance against the action plan would be reported quarterly to scrutiny ahead of Cabinet.


The Cabinet Member for Governance and Equalities, Councillor Paula Brookfield proposed the recommendations and the Leader of the Council, Councillor Stephen Simkins seconded the recommendations.


The report was debated by Council. Councillor Paula Brookfield responded to the debate.




1.    That the City of Wolverhampton LGA Peer Review Action Plan be approved.

2.    That authority be delegated to the Leader of the Council in consultation with the Chief Operating Officer to approve minor amendments to the LGA Peer Review Action Plan.

3.    That it be noted, the Cabinet would bring an update on progress against the peer review action plan to Scrutiny Board on a quarterly basis as part of the regular pre-reporting on performance, budget and risk and would update at those meetings on any changes to the action plan.


Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2025 - 2026 including Rent and Service Charges pdf icon PDF 86 KB

[To approve the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan, Revenue Budget, Capital Works Programme and increase to Rent and Services Charges]

Additional documents:


1.    That the Business Plan set out at Appendix 1 to the report be adopted as the approved Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan including:

a. The revenue budget for 2025-2026 at Appendix 1 to the report.

b. The Capital Programme for 2025-2026 to 2029-2030 at Appendix 2 to the report that includes the following among the proposed investment plans:

• £98 million for new homes.

• £67 million provision for estate remodelling.

• £82 million for programmes to high rise estates to include building safety improvements, infrastructure replacement, and external works to include energy efficiency.

• £110 million for Internal Decency works including refurbishment of void properties.

2.    That the implementation of an increase of 2.7% to social housing rents in accordance with the Rent Standard and the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016 be approved and 28 days’ notice be given to all secure and introductory tenants of the rent increase from 1 April 2025.

3.    That the rates for garage rents and service charges set out in Appendix 3 to the report be approved and tenants be notified formally.

4.    That an increase to Shared Ownership rents of 2.7% be approved.

5.    That an increase of £3.0 million to the allowance payable to Wolverhampton Homes for 2024-2025 to be funded by a virement from the budget for Capital Financing and Debt repayment be approved. The virement would increase the Repairs and Maintenance budget by £2.5 million and the Supervision and Management budget by £0.5 million.

6.    That a £3.0 increase to the HRA reserve in 2024-2025 funded by a budget virement of £3.0 million from the budget for Capital Financing and Debt Repayment be approved.

7.    That an allowance to New Park Village for Quarter 4 2024-2025 of £85,000 be approved.

8.    That allowances to Managing Agents for 2025-2026 be approved as follows:


• Wolverhampton Homes                                                     £51,700,000

• Bushbury Hill Estate Management Board (EMB)          £2,105,000

• Dovecotes Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) £1,305,000

• New Park Village                                                                £370,000


9.    That authority be delegated to the Deputy Leader: City Housing in consultation with the Executive Director of City Economy to approve the equity sale of Shared Ownership properties.


Having declared an other registrable interest, Councillor Paul Appleby, Councillor Sally Green, Councillor Rita Potter and Councillor Zee Russell

left the Council Chamber for the consideration of this item.


The Deputy Leader: City Housing, Councillor Steve Evans presented the report on Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2025 – 2026 including Rent and Service Charges for approval.


This report provided an updated Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2025/2026 for recommendation to Full Council which was intended to balance the continuing maintenance of and investment in the existing Council housing stock, improving, and redeveloping housing estates and the provision of new homes for rent.


The report also provided, as an integral part of that Business Plan, a proposed HRA budget for 2025-2026, including proposed rents and service charges to take effect from 1 April 2025, and a proposed HRA Capital Programme for the period 2025-2026 to 2029-2030 for approval.


The Deputy Leader: City Housing, Councillor Steve Evans proposed the

recommendations and the Leader of the Council, Councillor Stephen Simkins seconded the recommendations.


The report was debated by Council. Councillor Steve Evans responded to the debate.




1.    That the Business Plan set out at Appendix 1 to the report be adopted as the approved Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan including:

a. The revenue budget for 2025-2026 at Appendix 1 to the report.

b. The Capital Programme for 2025-2026 to 2029-2030 at Appendix 2 to the report that includes the following among the proposed investment plans:

• £98 million for new homes.

• £67 million provision for estate remodelling.

• £82 million for programmes to high rise estates to include building safety improvements, infrastructure replacement, and external works to include energy efficiency.

• £110 million for Internal Decency works including refurbishment of void properties.

2.    That the implementation of an increase of 2.7% to social housing rents in accordance with the Rent Standard and the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016 be approved and 28 days’ notice be given to all secure and introductory tenants of the rent increase from 1 April 2025.

3.    That the rates for garage rents and service charges set out in Appendix 3 to the report be approved and tenants be notified formally.

4.    That an increase to Shared Ownership rents of 2.7% be approved.

5.    That an increase of £3.0 million to the allowance payable to Wolverhampton Homes for 2024-2025 to be funded by a virement from the budget for Capital Financing and Debt repayment be approved. The virement would increase the Repairs and Maintenance budget by £2.5 million and the Supervision and Management budget by £0.5 million.

6.    That a £3.0 increase to the HRA reserve in 2024-2025 funded by a budget virement of £3.0 million from the budget for Capital Financing and Debt Repayment be approved.

7.    That an allowance to New Park Village for Quarter 4 2024-2025 of £85,000 be approved.

8.    That allowances to Managing Agents for 2025-2026 be approved as follows:


• Wolverhampton Homes                                                     £51,700,000

• Bushbury Hill Estate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Auditors Annual Report pdf icon PDF 122 KB

[To receive the Auditors Annual Report]

Additional documents:


That the Annual Report from the Council’s external auditors, Grant Thornton be noted.


The Chair of Audit and Risk Committee, Councillor Jaspreet Jaspal presented the Annual Auditors Report for noting.


The report provided an update to members on the Auditor’s Annual Report on the Council for 2023-2024.


The report by the auditor’s considered whether the Council had put in place proper arrangements to secure financial sustainability, governance, improving economy, efficiency, and effectiveness.


The auditor’s report went in more detail on the Council’s overall arrangements. No statutory or key recommendations were made by Grant Thornton. One improvement recommendation was made and this recommendation has been agreed by the Council in order to further strengthen our arrangements.


The Chair of Audit and Risk Committee, Councillor Jaspreet Jaspal proposed the recommendation and the Vice-Chair of Audit and Risk Committee, Councillor Ciaran Brackenridge seconded the recommendation.


The report was debated by Council. Councillor Jaspreet Jaspal replied to the debate.




That the Annual Report from the Council’s external auditors, Grant Thornton be noted.


Changes to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 78 KB

[To approve proposed amendments to the Constitution]

Additional documents:


1.    That subject to recommendation 2 below, the revisions to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules (“CPRs”) as detailed in Appendix 1 be approved and that the Council’s Constitution be updated accordingly.

2.    That the revised Contract Procedure Rules, approved under recommendation 1 above, shall take effect on the day the Procurement Act 2023 comes into force.

3.    That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to implement the revised Contract Procedure Rules once they take effect and, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Governance and Equalities and Chief Finance Officer (s.151 Officer), make any other changes/revisions deemed necessary to ensure the Contract Procedure Rules are compliant with the Procurement Act 2023, any associated government guidance and/or recommended best practice.

4.    That the amendments to the Council Procedure Rules relating to Public Questions and the Council Seating Plan as detailed in Appendix 2 to this report be approved.

5.    That the authority granted to the Monitoring Officer to implement the changes detailed in this report and to make any other minor consequential changes necessary to ensure the Constitution remains up to date be reaffirmed.


The Cabinet Member for Governance, Councillor Paula Brookfield presented the report on Changes to the Constitution.


The report detailed proposed changes to the constitution; this encompassed revised Contract Procedure Rules to ensure compliance with the Procurement Act 2023, an amendment to the deadline for submitting public questions and clarification regarding provision on the council seating plan.


The Cabinet Member for Governance, Councillor Paula Brookfield proposed the recommendations and the Chair of Governance and Ethics Committee, Councillor Rita Potter seconded the recommendations.




1.    That subject to recommendation 2 below, the revisions to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules (“CPRs”) as detailed in Appendix 1 be approved and that the Council’s Constitution be updated accordingly.

2.    That the revised Contract Procedure Rules, approved under recommendation 1 above, shall take effect on the day the Procurement Act 2023 comes into force.

3.    That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to implement the revised Contract Procedure Rules once they take effect and, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Governance and Equalities and Chief Finance Officer (s.151 Officer), make any other changes/revisions deemed necessary to ensure the Contract Procedure Rules are compliant with the Procurement Act 2023, any associated government guidance and/or recommended best practice.

4.    That the amendments to the Council Procedure Rules relating to Public Questions and the Council Seating Plan as detailed in Appendix 2 to this report be approved.

5.    That the authority granted to the Monitoring Officer to implement the changes detailed in this report and to make any other minor consequential changes necessary to ensure the Constitution remains up to date be reaffirmed.


Written Questions by Councillors pdf icon PDF 93 KB

[That the relevant Executive Members respond to questions received]

Additional documents:


That responses to written questions be noted.


The Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing responded to a question put to her by Councillor Carol Hyatt on Central Baths. She also responded to a supplementary question on the same matter.


The question on potholes was withdrawn.


The Cabinet Member for City Development, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Chris Burden responded to a question put to him by Councillor Loyinyer Daley on Wavensmere Homes Development. He also responded to a supplementary question on the same matter.


The Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, Councillor Jacqui Coogan responded to a question put to her by Councillor Celia Hibbert on Sexual Exploitation of Vulnerable Young Women. She also responded to a supplementary question on the same matter.


A response to the question submitted by Councillor Anita Stanley had been provided. The Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing responded to a supplementary question put to her by Councillor Anita Stanley on Swimming Pools.


The Cabinet Member for City Development, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Chris Burden responded to a question put to him by Councillor Wendy Thompson on Former Tettenhall Police Station and Councillor Simon Bennett on Farms. He also responded to supplementary questions on the same matter.


The Cabinet Member for Resident Services, Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal  responded to a question put to him by Councillor Sally Garner on Graffiti. He also responded to a supplementary question on the same matter.




That responses to written questions be noted.


Motion on Notice pdf icon PDF 125 KB

[That Council consider the motion received]

Additional documents:


That motion on bus lane signage be lost.


Councillor Paul Singh moved the following motion on bus lane signage:


“This Council acknowledges the concerns raised by residents and motorists regarding the clarity and adequacy of signage and information related to bus lanes and gates within the City of Wolverhampton.


Recent reports indicate that from April 2020 to August 2024, the Council generated nearly £4.2 million in fines from bus lane violations, with over 17,000 violations last year alone.


While enforcement of bus lanes is essential to ensure efficient public transport and road safety, it is imperative that signage and information are clear and unambiguous to prevent inadvertent violations by motorists.


Furthermore, this Council understands that there will always be a number of fines issued regardless of information provision, but that the current rate is so high that it can’t simply be a case of poor attention from drivers, and that a review is needed.


Therefore, this Council resolves to:


1.         Establish a Task and Finish Group comprising cross-party elected members, relevant Council officers, and, where appropriate, external stakeholders.


2.         Mandate the Task and Finish Group to:

o          Conduct a comprehensive review of all existing bus lane and gate signage and related informational materials within the city.


o          Assess the adequacy, visibility, and clarity of current signage to determine if it effectively informs motorists and prevents unintended violations.


o          Examine best practices from other local authorities, especially those that have successfully reduced bus lane infringements through improved signage and public information campaigns.


o          Engage with the local community to gather feedback on their experiences and perceptions regarding bus lane signage and information.


o          Provide recommendations for improvements or modifications to existing signage and information dissemination methods to enhance compliance and road safety.


3.         Require the Task and Finish Group to report its findings and recommendations to the Council within a specified timeframe, not exceeding six months from the date of this motion.


By undertaking this review, the Council aims to balance the enforcement of bus lanes with the provision of clear and effective information to motorists, thereby reducing unnecessary fines and enhancing the safety and efficiency of our city's transportation network.”


Councillor Paul Singh outlined the rationale for the motion. Councillor Stephanie Haynes seconded the motion and outlined the rationale for supporting the motion.


The motion was debated by Council. Councillor Paul Singh responded to the





That the motion on bus lane signage be lost.


The Leader placed on record thanks to the Director of Regeneration, Richard Lawrence, for his service to the Council and wished Richard all the very best in his new role at Birmingham City Council. Council gave applause to Richard.