Browse meetings

Health Scrutiny Panel

This page lists the meetings for Health Scrutiny Panel.


Information about Health Scrutiny Panel


The Panel will have responsibility for scrutiny functions as they relate to the scrutiny of health provision in accordance with relevant legislation and Government guidance.

The Panel will look at Health related issues in partnership with:-

·        Public Health

·        NHS

·        ICB/ICP/ICS

·        Health and wellbeing Board

·        Healthwatch

·        Neighbouring Authorities


In addition:-

·        Participating with other relevant neighbouring authorities in any joint scrutiny arrangements of NHS Trusts providing cross border services

·        Initiating the response to any formal consultation undertaken by relevant NHS Trusts and the Integrated Care Board or other health providers or commissioners on any substantial development or variation in services

·        Decisions made by or actions of the Health and Wellbeing Board

·        Reports and recommendations to relevant NHS bodies, relevant health service providers, the Secretary of State or Regulators

·        Keep residents safe by containing and reducing the spread of Covid-19

·        Close the gap on healthy life expectancy

·        Help people live happier more active lives

·        Protect vulnerable people at risk of harm and exploitation

·        Hypertension prevalence

·        Diabetes prevalence

·        Coronary Heart Disease prevalence

·        Chronic Kidney Disease prevalence

·         Stroke prevalence

·        Dementia prevalence

·        Alcohol specific mortality per 100,000

·         % of physically inactive adults (Public Health Outcomes Framework)

·         % of less active children (Active Lives Survey)

·        Suicide rate (all persons) per 100,000

·        % of 40-74 years attending offered health checks

·        Number of individuals in treatment for alcohol (increase)Number of successful completions of alcohol treatment (no representation - increase)

·        Number of alcohol detoxes (increase in referred, initiated and completed)

·        WV Active membership numbers with breakdowns by - long term health conditions, disabilities, low-socioeconomic groups, minority ethnic groups.

·        Number of referrals to physical activity opportunities by a health professional