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Adults Scrutiny Panel

This page lists the meetings for Adults Scrutiny Panel.


Information about Adults Scrutiny Panel

The Panel has responsibility for scrutiny functions as they relate to: -


Fulfilled lives for all with quality care for those that need it

Ensuring the health and care reform agenda is delivered for people in Wolverhampton

Protecting vulnerable people at risk of harm and exploitation

Services for older and vulnerable adults 

Local safeguarding arrangements for adults 

Support the Health and Social Care system to respond to and recover from Covid-19

Maximise independence for people with care and support needs

Work as a system to make sure that people get the right support at the right time

% of older people (aged 65 and older) who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement/rehabilitation services

% of carers who use services who found it easy to find information about services and/or support

Workforce Turnover Rate (LA and Providers)

% of social care users supported to remain in their own homes

% of adults who use services who say social care services help them to feel safe and secure

% of adults in receipt of long-term services who are in control of their own lives