Remit, Function and Measures
Strong Families where
children grow up well and achieve their full potential
Provision of all local authority services for children and young
people including education, early intervention and prevention,
social care, special needs and commissioned services.
Children’s safeguarding including child
Ensuring that children
have the best start in life and good early development
Ensuring high quality
education that closes the attainment gap
Ensuring that children
and young people grow up happy with good physical, social and
mental health, and wellbeing
Ensuring that every
young person in the city is equipped for adulthood with life skills
and ready for work
Ensuring that families
are strengthened where children are vulnerable or at
% of Early Years and
Childcare settings rated Good or Outstanding
% of take up of
2-year-olds benefiting from early education
% of schools in the
city that are rated Good or Outstanding
Average Attainment 8
score per pupil
% gap in Attainment 8
score gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children
% of 16- and
17-year-olds with SEND in education, employment or
% of care leavers in education, employment or
First time entrants
into the Youth Justice System per 10,000 population
Rate of children open
to social care per 10,000 population under 18.
% of repeat referrals
into Children’s Social Care with 12 months.
% of children and
young people in care who have had 3 or more homes in the
% of Education, Health
and Care plans issued within 20 weeks
Number of
‘free’ activities for CYP in the city and uptake by -
long term health conditions, disabilities, low-socioeconomic
groups, minority ethnic groups