Agenda item

Consultation on the Draft Wolverhampton Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2020 - 2023

[To receive the draft Wolverhampton Strategy for Children and Young People with SEND and an update on the consultation.]


Robert Hart, Head of Service Inclusion and Empowerment presented the Consultation on the Draft Wolverhampton Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2020 – 2023 report and highlighted salient points.


This report detailed the undertaking of the consultation on the Draft Wolverhampton Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 2020 – 2023 and the draft of the Strategy had been submitted to the Corporate Parenting Board to receive feedback and input in their role as corporate parents.


The work that had gone into the co-production of the Strategy was commended and it was noted that the key message was for children and young people with SEND be empowered to have control over their own lives, make their own decisions, have quality of life and be prepared for adulthood.


The Tell it Once initiative was commended as it prevented the requirement for children and their families to repeat the same information to different professionals, which was thought to be frustrating or even distressing for the child.


It was queried how the culture of Tell it Once would be accurately achieved as agencies had differing methods of recording information. It was stated that successful examples of good practice had been seen in the Early Years Service using the Team Around the Child methodology, with a single Key Worker assigned to co-ordinate key information received from professionals, the child and their family. This work was also linked to education settings, teachers and Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCos) ensuring each service involved with a child received the information they need to know.


In response to a query around whether the consultation had received positive feedback to date, it was confirmed that engagement had been extremely positive. In addition, it was noted that ownership of the draft Strategy did not belong to the Council alone; it had been co-produced with the SEND Partnership therefore had already included contributions from parent and carer focus groups, Wolverhampton Clinical Commissioning Group, SENCos, healthcare providers, members of the voluntary sector and teachers as well as Council services.


It was clarified that the consultation period had opened in July 2020 and closed on 21 September 2020.


It was noted that Tell it Once was a useful initiative as the health service was aware of gaps in information when a placement move occurred, particularly out of the area. It was acknowledged that Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs) were also useful for keeping information in one place.


It was noted that the Tell it Once system was in use in Sandwell via multiagency meetings around the child.



1.    That the draft Wolverhampton Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2020 – 2023 at Appendix 1 be received.

2.    That Corporate Parenting Board provide feedback through the consultation portal by 21 September 2020.

3.    That the next steps for publication of the Wolverhampton Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2020 – 2023 be noted.

Supporting documents: