Agenda item

The Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy

[To provide a presentation relating to the consultation outcomes and invite comments from the panel]


Kathy Cole-Evans, Manager, Domestic Violence Forum provided a presentation ‘Violence against women & girls (VAWG) strategy 2016-19’. She explained that the name acknowledges the gendered nature of VAWG but that it can be both male and female victims and perpetrators and it addresses additional barriers to help seeking as follows:

·         Domestic violence (DV)

·         Female genital mutilation (FGM)

·         Forced marriage

·         Honour based violence

·         Sexual violence

She advised that awareness raising events have taken place, including a successful event to look at preventing domestic homicide.  All of the additional barriers will be addressed in the new strategy and a series of case reviews will be available in March 2016 and could be shared with the Scrutiny Panel. The VAWG strategy 2012-15 is having impact; 46 actions completed including mainstreaming of specialist roles, improved processes and protocols and awareness raising; there has been increased reporting in the City, DV reporting up 60% (940 incidents) in Wolverhampton alone.

In relation to FGM there are no reported cases to police however health organisations are required to report cases which should give an indication of the scale of the problem in Wolverhampton.


The DV Manager advised that the VAWG strategy 2016-19 outlined objectives, outcomes and principles. She clarified that the objectives will lead to the reduction of incidents of violence and to the increased reporting of offences.


The DV Manager outlined the consultation process and highlighted that the 12 week consultation period was an opportunity for the Scrutiny Panel to contribute, either collectively or individually.  She advised that the consultation primarily is through electronic questionnaire via a web-link, due to resources; that existing networks, boards and mechanisms were being utilised to cascade information and that some had made a pledge to the new strategy.


The DV Manager confirmed that there is a need to consult with the public, get them on board and to help them understand the law according to the issues. She highlighted the need to work with front line services and ensure they are on-line and aware; the need for schools to report out of the ordinary absences, children who go missing and behaviour change in young females following unexplained absences; GPs to be aware of older females with evidence of FGM as it is more likely for this to run in families and to try to identify communities and bring the community up to speed on issues.


Cllr Paula Brookfield cautioned when identifying communities there is a need to be careful. The panel considered the problems of not tackling some of the intelligence issues and communication and links between schools and health.  They considered that in the City, as partners we may know where the problems maybe but there is more to do to raise the general public’s awareness through poster campaigns and education, even though there may be cost implications, without it people will not get to know about it.  


The DV manager advised that there is funding available some public and some voluntary contribution. She asked the Panel to give consideration to making a pledge to the new VAWG Strategy 2016-19.


Cllr Jasbir Dehal referred to the issue of honour based violence and indicated that often what happens when girls reach a certain age (15) in some cultures the girl is sent away to live with older relatives. 


Cllr Bishan Dass welcomed the presentation and information.  He recognised the importance and that this was not an easy issue to deal with, especially hard was getting information from the community in relation to forced marriage or honour based violence, he suggested that the community generally comes out to help or sort out the issue.


The panel considered how in a diverse cultural city with so many communities, so many ethnic groups it is very difficult to understand everyone’s social backgrounds.  Panel considered that there is a need to raise education and awareness in the community that what is acceptable somewhere else is not acceptable here in Wolverhampton and that it is not acceptable under human rights legislation.


Cllr Rita Potter referred to DV and asked what can be done about the scenario where men return home from a football match, they may be drunk or have lost the match but ultimately are violent to their partner.  The DV Manager advised that Unite are developing the Council policy about DV, she add that it is advertised through Wolverhampton Wanderer Football Club.  She added that any sporting event can trigger DV.


Cllr Rupinderjit Kaur highlighted the increase in the number of first time DV reporting and ‘seasonal violence’ and saw this as positive. The DV manager advised that there is a need to ensure we do get it right first time as if the volume increases there are not enough services to deal with this.


The Chair thanked Kathy Cole-Evans for her report and open discussion relating to the VAWG Strategy 2016-19 Consultation Process.




1.    The Adult and Safer City Scrutiny Panel members pledge support to the VAWG Strategy 2016-19.

2.    The Scrutiny Officer to circulate the draft VAWG Strategy 2016-19 strategy and links to the consultation to all scrutiny panel members to .consider and complete.