Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Information

[To receive the Performance Monitoring Information Report.]


Alison Hinds, Deputy Director of Social Care presented the Performance Monitoring Information Report and highlighted key points.


It was suggested that Councillors request any particular areas they would like to see highlighted or focused on when receiving the report at meetings.


A query was raised around the issue of domestic violence having increased during lockdown and if there had been any correlation between the number of domestic violence cases and numbers of children needing to be removed from these situations. It was reported that some cases of that nature had been received, which indicated that these cases were being received through the system. 


A query was raised around whether there had been a spike in care referrals once schools reopened in September 2020 as schools were often the most common referral pathway. It was noted that such an increase had been anticipated, however it had not been as large as expected.


An increase in both long- and short-term placement stability was highlighted and this was attributed to the therapeutic support programmes in place for foster carers to ensure children felt more stable and settled. It was acknowledged that Wolverhampton’s foster carers had continued to show great commitment to ensure stability for children throughout an uncertain situation and their efforts were commended.


A reduction in review participation had been noted and this was thought to be due to the new recording methods. An investigation into the figures was underway and it was agreed that the outcome would be fed back to Corporate Parenting Board.


Dental checks were showing as reduced from last year and, again, the Authority was working with health colleagues to review recording checks and meeting targets.


In terms of education, employment and training, it was acknowledged that this was an area of particular strength and, despite the slight downturn experienced, Wolverhampton was performing well against comparators. It was reported that work was underway to mitigate the long-term impact of national lockdown and school closures on young people’s education. It was noted that the Virtual Head Annual Report was due at the next meeting and would include an overview of how children and young people in care were being supported in these areas. In addition, it was noted that ways mentoring and supporting young people into employment opportunities were being embedded into the Relight Out City strategy.


A query was raised around whether many children and young people in care were currently engaged with online learning and if they had access to resources to do this. It was reported that, as they were classed a vulnerable, children and young people in care were being encouraged to stay in school where possible. Children and young people in care who remained at home were being provided with devices and online access to study at home; information was also being provided to foster carers to ensure they could support the person in their care with online learning.



  1. That Councillors identify areas of focus for the next Performance Monitoring Information report.
  2. That the outcome from investigating the review participation statistics would be fed back to Corporate Parenting Board.


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