Agenda item

New Belongings

[To receive a report on the principles of the New Belongings initiative]


The Head of Service, Looked After Children presented a report in connection with the New Belongings project. The project aimed to;

·         Embed the principles of the Care Leavers Charter;

·         Join up services to care leavers, as outlined in the Access All Areas report. This report called on Central Government Departments to improve the support offered to young people as they left the care system and in their early years after leaving care. It examined how working across government was essential to improve the support care leavers received and removed obstacles to their progress;

·         Brought in the energy of local communities to support care leavers.


She reported that the project had been launched during “Care Leavers” week held during week commencing 2 November 2015. Furthermore, she reported on joint working with other Black Country authorities in a Cluster Group in which priorities were shared. A survey had been undertaken with Care Leavers to establish what was important to them and following the compilation of responses received an Action Plan had been prepared. She reported that work in relation to the project was being progressed through the Care Leavers Forum.


Cllr Paula Brookfield reported that the Mayor, Cllr Ian Brookfield and her, in her capacity as Mayoress, had met recently with representatives from the Care Leavers Forum, and that a very positive response to this project had been indicated. It was considered to provide a platform from which to provide their views for consideration.


Cllr Peter O’Neill commended the initiative and also the use of the Care Leavers Forum to continue progressing this initiative. He enquired as to the actions being taken with regard to LAC currently classified as NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training). The Head of Service – Looked after Children advised that the Council was proactive on this issue and worked closely with Partners with particular emphasis on arranging Work Experience / Apprenticeship opportunities etc. Cllr Peter O’Neill enquired as to whether the NEET figures were monitored on a regular basis. The Chair, Cllr Val Gibson, assured the Board that this position was kept under review and reported to the Board through the Performance Monitoring report considered at each meeting. She suggested that enough work was not done with LAC or Care Leavers to promote opportunities in Further of Higher Education.


Cllr Julie Hodgkiss referred to paragraph 6.1 of the report and queried whether the Council needed to think differently in relation to its dealings with the most vulnerable young people in society or whether this had already happened. The Head of Service, Looked After Children explained that the Council was very conscious of the extra help that could be required by Care Leavers and endeavoured to provide this. 


Cllr Stephen Simkins advised the Board that Universal Credit was to be introduced across the Black Country shortly and, in his opinion, it was essential that Care Leavers were well informed as to their respective entitlements. Also, there appeared to be an increase in the aspiration levels of younger LAC to participate in Higher or Further Education. The Head of Service, Looked After Children, commented that joint working across the Black Country would assist in identifying solutions to common problems. She confirmed an increase in interest from Care Leavers in accessing opportunities for Further of Higher Education. The Chair, Cllr Val Gibson, assured the Board that access to benefits would be addressed.


Cllr Rita Potter welcomed the report and the initiative as it presented a better opportunity for Care Leavers to move on independently. She asked, however, what would happen if a Care Leaver decided to return to their original family home to reside with their family. The Head of Service, Looked After Children confirmed that this did happen in some cases. Cllr Paula Brookfield opined that in some cases Care Leavers who were struggling with leaving care would welcome an opportunity to return to the familial home. The Head of Service, Looked After Care, reported on the working relationship between the Council and Wolverhampton Homes and the amount of support available to Care Leavers.


Cllr Peter O’Neill referred to previous housing arrangements which had been made for Care Leavers which had failed due to a lack of management interventions and enquired as to the present arrangements. The Head of Service, Looked After Children commented that it was now the practice to review those provisions that worked well and to seek to expand such schemes. The Service Director, Children and Young People advised that the Council worked closely with Wolverhampton Homes in the provision of suitable accommodation but that not all Care Leavers required assistance from the Council following discharge from care. Cllr Stephen Simkins commented that in any event it was no longer possible to house Care Leavers in clusters as this would be contrary to Age Discrimination legislation.


Cllr Julie Hodgkiss enquired as to progress with the “Talent Match” scheme. The Head of Service, Looked After Children, confirmed that the Council was working closely with the providers of this scheme.



1. That the implementation of the New Belongings Project across the City of Wolverhampton Council be supported;

2. That the New Belongings Action Plan be noted.







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