Agenda item

2017/18 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 - 2019/20

[To approve matters and recommend the Budget to Full Council.]


That Council be recommended to:


1.   Approve the net budget requirement for 2017/18 of £216.2 million for General Fund services (paragraph 13.4).

2.   Approve the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 to 2019/20 as detailed in Table 6 and the budget preparation parameters underpinning the MTFS as detailed in Appendix A.

3.   Approve the budget allocation for Adult Social Care outlined in the report in accordance with the Minimum Funding Level for Adult Social Care (section 11.0).

4.   Approve a Council Tax for Council services in 2017/18 of £1,481.12 for a Band D property, being an increase of 3.99% on 2016/17 levels, which incorporates the 2% increase in relation to Adult Social Care (paragraph 7.3).

5.   Approve that work starts on developing budget reductions for 2018/19 and progress be reported to Cabinet in July 2017 (paragraph 13.5).


1. That the changes to the 2017/18 draft budget for General Fund services, since the draft budget was last reported to Cabinet on 18 October 2016, as detailed in sections 3 to 12 and summarised in Appendix A be approved.

2. That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Resources in consultation with the Director of Finance to amend the budget, to reflect any changes arising out of the final settlement, for presentation to Council (paragraph 3.3).

3. That the responses made after consideration of the outcome of the budget consultation (section 10.0) be approved.

4. That the budget for 2017/18 is in balance without the use of general reserves (paragraph 13.3) be noted.

5. That it be noted that, in the opinion of the Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer), the 2017/18 budget estimates are robust (paragraph 13.4).

6. That it be noted that, the Council’s arrangements with the West Midlands Pension Fund has been subject to a recent triennial review which will cover pension payments covering the period from 2017/18 to 2019/20. Discussions have been held with the Fund and its actuary over the course of the last year and final agreement has been reached on employer pension payments to the Fund for the next three years. The agreed payments have been built into this budget and the authority’s medium term financial plans (paragraph 5.2).

7. That it be noted that, in accordance with delegated authority as approved by Cabinet on 19 October 2016, the Cabinet Member for Resources in consultation with the Director of Finance will continue to consider further opportunities to accelerate contribution payments to the West Midlands Pension Fund to secure additional savings (paragraph 5.4).

8. That it be noted that, in the opinion of the Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer), the proposed levels of reserves, provisions and balances is adequate in respect of the forthcoming financial year (paragraph 14.4).

9. That it be noted that a further £20.5 million needs to be identified over the period 2018/19 to 2019/20 in order to address the projected budget deficit (paragraph 13.6).

10. That it be noted that, due to external factors, budget assumptions remain subject to significant change, which could, therefore, result in alterations to the financial position facing the Council (paragraph 4.2).

11. That it be noted that, having identified significant budget reductions over the last six financial years, the extent of the financial challenge over the medium term continues to represent the most significant challenge that the council has ever faced (paragraph 13.7).

12. That it be noted that the overall level of risk associated with the 2017/18 budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 – 2019/20 is assessed as Amber (paragraph 16.1).

13.That it be noted that Councillors must have due regard to the public sector equality duty (Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010) when making budget decisions (paragraph 19.3).



Councillor Andrew Johnson presented the 2017/18 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 – 2019/20, which would be subject to debate at the next meeting of Full Council. It was noted that, following discussions with the Department for Communities and Local Government, additional funding would not be received from the final local government finance settlement.




That Council be recommended to:


1.    Approve the net budget requirement for 2017/18 of £216.2 million for General Fund services (paragraph 13.4).

2.    Approve the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 to 2019/20 as detailed in Table 6 and the budget preparation parameters underpinning the MTFS as detailed in Appendix A.

3.    Approve the budget allocation for Adult Social Care outlined in the report in accordance with the Minimum Funding Level for Adult Social Care (section 11.0).

4.    Approve a Council Tax for Council services in 2017/18 of £1,481.12 for a Band D property, being an increase of 3.99% on 2016/17 levels, which incorporates the 2% increase in relation to Adult Social Care (paragraph 7.3).

5.    Approve that work starts on developing budget reductions for 2018/19 and progress be reported to Cabinet in July 2017 (paragraph 13.5).


1. That the changes to the 2017/18 draft budget for General Fund services, since the draft budget was last reported to Cabinet on 18 October 2016, as detailed in sections 3 to 12 and summarised in Appendix A be approved.

2. That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Resources in consultation with the Director of Finance to amend the budget, to reflect any changes arising out of the final settlement, for presentation to Council (paragraph 3.3).

3. That the responses made after consideration of the outcome of the budget consultation (section 10.0) be approved.

4. That the budget for 2017/18 is in balance without the use of general reserves (paragraph 13.3) be noted.

5. That it be noted that, in the opinion of the Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer), the 2017/18 budget estimates are robust (paragraph 13.4).

6. That it be noted that, the Council’s arrangements with the West Midlands Pension Fund has been subject to a recent triennial review which will cover pension payments covering the period from 2017/18 to 2019/20. Discussions have been held with the Fund and its actuary over the course of the last year and final agreement has been reached on employer pension payments to the Fund for the next three years. The agreed payments have been built into this budget and the authority’s medium term financial plans (paragraph 5.2).

7. That it be noted that, in accordance with delegated authority as approved by Cabinet on 19 October 2016, the Cabinet Member for Resources in consultation with the Director of Finance will continue to consider further opportunities to accelerate contribution payments to the West Midlands Pension Fund to secure additional savings (paragraph 5.4).

8. That it be noted that, in the opinion of the Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer), the proposed levels of reserves, provisions and balances is adequate in respect of the forthcoming financial year (paragraph 14.4).

9. That it be noted that a further £20.5 million needs to be identified over the period 2018/19 to 2019/20 in order to address the projected budget deficit (paragraph 13.6).

10. That it be noted that, due to external factors, budget assumptions remain subject to significant change, which could, therefore, result in alterations to the financial position facing the Council (paragraph 4.2).

11. That it be noted that, having identified significant budget reductions over the last six financial years, the extent of the financial challenge over the medium term continues to represent the most significant challenge that the council has ever faced (paragraph 13.7).

12. That it be noted that the overall level of risk associated with the 2017/18 budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 – 2019/20 is assessed as Amber (paragraph 16.1).

13.That it be noted that Councillors must have due regard to the public sector equality duty (Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010) when making budget decisions (paragraph 19.3).

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