Agenda item

Performance Monitoring - Looked After Children (LAC)

[To receive a report on Performance Monitoring data in respect of Looked After Children] [To be circulated]


Emma Bennett presented Performance Monitoring Information as at the end of September 2014.


Cllr Dr Michael Hardacre drew to the attention of the Board that the report had only been circulated to Members of the Board that day and, accordingly, he had not had sufficient time to consider the contents or for strategic oversight to be given to the contents. He requested that, in future, such information be circulated with the Agenda and supporting papers for the meeting seven days in advance in accordance with the Council’s Constitution and statutory requirements. Emma Bennett explained the unavoidable reasons for the delay in circulation of the information and undertook to ensure that, in future, the information would be included with the supporting papers and circulated in advance of the meeting.


With reference to the information in connection with “Up to date reviews”, Cllr Dr Michael Hardacre commented that the 95% performance appeared to be good but questioned the national position. Emma Bennett advised that she understood that the performance compared favourably with both similar Council’s and the national position but undertook to check the position. She also undertook to ensure that comparative information was included in future reports. Cllr Paula Brookfield requested an assurance that the same children were not missing reviews on a repeat basis. Emma Bennett assured the Board that this was not the case and explained reasons behind reviews being missed. In response to a further question from Cllr Paula Brookfield in connection with the timeliness of health and dental checks for Looked After Children, especially those in Out of City placements, she reminded the Board of the arrangements for conducting such reviews. She reminded the Board that the Performance Monitoring Information was largely quantitative data but that qualitative data was included within the relevant Annual Reports, in this case that presented by the Independent Review Officers.


Cllr Rita Potter enquired as to whether Looked After Children were encouraged to take responsibility for their personal health and were informed of the problems which could occur later in life resulting from missing dental check appointments. Emma Bennett advised that in her opinion 86% take up was a good performance and was likely to surpass that of the non LAC population. Cllr Martin Waite suggested that the Council’s performance with LAC should be benchmarked against that of the local population.


With reference to the information in connection with “PEP’s up to Date”, Cllr Dr Michael Hardacre queried as to whether these were now in place for Looked After Children up to the age of 18 years old. Darren Martindale explained the new statutory guidance and confirmed that education providers had been requested to make the necessary arrangements for PEP’s to be in place for 16 to 18 year olds. Emma Bennett commented that it might be that the newly included year groups were not yet included within the data in the report.


With reference to the information in connection with “School Attendance”, Cllr Julie Hodgkiss enquired as to the reason for performance data not being included within the report. Darren Martindale commented that the information was collected but he was unsure why it had not been included within the report. Cllr Dr Michael Hardacre reported on the practice of the Department for Education in calculating attendance based on the position as at the summer half term and re-aggregating this figure over the school year. He enquired as to whether it would be possible for the Council to use a similar method of calculation. Emma Bennett reported that the Council analysed attendance data on a half termly basis thus enabling steps to be taken to address any issues at the earliest opportunity. She undertook to investigate the reasons behind the information not being included in the report.



That the report be received and noted and the thanks of the Board be extended to the relevant Officers for the improvements in performance.  

Supporting documents: