Agenda item

Budget Review - 2015/16 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015/16 - 2018/19

[The purpose of this report is to seek the panel’s feedback on the draft five year budget and medium term financial strategy that was approved as the basis of consultation by the Cabinet on 22 October 2014]


Cllr Steve Evans introduced the report and invited comments from the panel on the savings proposals. The panel comments on the proposals are detailed in appendix 1.




The panel agreed that the comments of the panel is agreed by the Chair and Vice Chair and then forwarded to the Scrutiny Board for consideration.



Updated June Savings Proposals


Description of Saving



Adult Services



Promoting Independence- Disabilities (Residential / Nursing Placements)



Viv Griffin outlined the aim of the saving proposal and the intention of bringing the level of spending to the national average for residential care.


The panel queried the reasons for the change. Viv Griffin commented that Wolverhampton has traditionally spent more on residential care. Viv explained that there was due to the historical legacy from the closure of old care buildings. The panel expressed concern about the impact of the change when numbers of people needing care is increasing. Val commented on the work being done to reduce prices and also the numbers of people going into residential care. The Council is looking for alternative accommodation and the right level of care to respond to the issue.


The panel welcomed the amount spent on older people in Wolverhampton and the fact that people are living longer.


The panel commented on the need to find out what other service providers are doing to make adaptions to the homes of older people across the city. It is important that this work is properly co-ordinated. Cllr Evans and Viv Griffin commented on the changes in the expectations of people and wanting different options for care arrangements. Viv explained that there will always be people who want residential care. The panel commented that they supported the idea of independent living. The panel queried the process that will be used to assess that people are ready for independent living.  

Viv explained that each person would have a detailed review done by professionals as part of the assessment process.



The panel commented on the financial challenges and queried if there was sufficient staff resources that can cope with the increased demand on the service. Cllr Evans commented on the changes already made to contracts which have delivered savings and not led to a reduction in the quality of care provided.


The panel commented on the outsourcing of services and the arrangements in place to make sure that the service delivered to users is not compromised. Cllr Evans responded that the Council does not do a good job of explaining the amount of money it spends on adult social care. Cllr Evans responded that the Council has a quality action team to check and monitor services.


The panel queried the governance arrangements to check that the Council is meeting its safeguarding responsibilities. Viv gave examples of the range of systems such as annual review of the client, and Care Quality Commission to check the quality of services.


The panel commented on the need to take account of the diverse population of Wolverhampton. Viv explained that the work being done to set up friendship groups, which will take account of the ethnic mix.




Promoting Independence - Disabilities (Day Care)


Viv Griffin outlined the aim of the saving proposal and the aim promoting independence and responding to people wanting more choice about the services they receive. There were no comments from the panel.


Promoting Independence - Disabilities (Domiciliary Support Plans)


Viv Griffin outlined the aim of the saving proposal. The service is looking at the range of support provided. The panel commented on the governance arrangements and the issue that should be referred to Scrutiny Board for discussion. The panel commented that it would be useful to look the issue of governance more generally in view of the number of contracts with providers responsible for delivering services on behalf of the Council.


Cllr Evans commented that residents sometimes wrongly assumed that because they are in private residential accommodation that the Council was not helping with their costs. Cllr Evans suggested the idea of a standards charter or a pledge card to explain to residents what they should be receiving in terms of support and services. Cllr Evans was concerned that residents are sometime not sure about the services they should be getting.


The panel queried the arrangements for quality assurance and this issue should be considered at a future meeting in January 2015 as part of a wider discussion about governance.


The panel commented that there was a need to also consider the issue of mental health as part of this discussion. The panel expressed concern about the amount spent on mental health service and the implications for safeguarding.



Promoting Independence - Disabilities (High Cost Placements)


No panel comments

Promoting Independence - Disabilities (Supported Living Placements)


No panel comments

Promoting Independence - Disabilities (Transition)


Viv Griffin outlined the aim of the saving proposal. Viv explained that young people who are in transition to adult services want different kinds of support. The panel commented on the impact of the change on young people changing schools. Viv explained that most of the children affected would be attending special schools rather than going into academies. Viv commented on the work being done with Wolverhampton College to help people with disabilities gain work skills.  The panel commented on the effect of the introduction of universal credit, particularly the introduction of Personal Independence Payments (PIPS) which will replace other benefits that was used to meet the extra costs .Tony Ivko briefed the panel on the work being done to prepare for the changes and to keep Councillors updated. The panel recommended a report be presented to a future meeting of the panel on the implications of the changes planned for February 2015. The panel considered that this was an urgent matter to check that all the key organisations are prepared for the change. Tony explained that there are sub-groups of the City Board that are looking at the work being done to prepare for the change. The panel recommended that the issue should be considered as an agenda for a future meeting of Scrutiny Board. Viv agreed to advise the panel of a timetable when a report could be presented. The panel also recommended that the issue of skills and disability should also be considered.

Promoting Independence - Older People



Cllr Evans outlined the aim of the savings proposal. Cllr Evans commented on the role of community associations in supporting this work. Tony Ivko commented on the falls prevention work and the involvement of GPs. Tony commented on the range  of work planned  to reduce the drift or ‘glide path’  into greater dependency, in particular taking advantage of opportunities to intervene earlier through the provision of services. The panel welcomed the work being done with residents of Ashmore Park. However, the panel commented on the need to work with partner agencies, for example Wolverhampton University and New Cross Hospital and encourage them to support the work.

Tony agreed to follow this up.


Cllr Evans briefed the panel on the Wolverhampton Information Network and the plans being considered to provide access to the service in other locations, such as GP surgeries and not just CAB offices. Cllr Evans explained that the intention was help people and relatives find out information about local activities and clubs they may be interested in. 



The panel commented on the need to make it easy for vulnerable people to access the information easily. There was agreement that the system should be user friendly. The panel commented on the need to work with GPs to encourage people to use the service and to refer people to take up the activities on offer. The panel wanted consideration given to the needs of people who are not computer literate and may want the need a support worker in each of constituency. The panel suggested that the council tax leaflet could be used to promote the service.


The panel commented on the need to consider the needs of people whose first language is not English and the new arrivals from east European to Wolverhampton. The panel commented on the changes in traditional family support networks and older people may not be aware of the service. The panel commented on the needs of groups considered to be ‘hard to reach’ in future programmes.


Cllr Evans commented on the number of different languages spoken in Wolverhampton and the intention of inviting representatives to the planned launch event for the service.

Promoting Independence - Mental Health (Resettlement from Long Term Care into Independent Living)



Viv Griffin outlined the aim of the savings proposal. Viv explained that the issue was moving people from long term care to independent living. Cllr Evans commented that a special team had been set up to meet the needs of people with mental health issues.

Promoting Independence - Mental Health (Transition)


Promoting Independence - Mental Health (High Cost Residential Placements)


Efficiency Savings in staff from the implementation of the Care Act


Viv Griffin outlined the aim of the savings proposal.













The panel queried if Old Tree Nursery had closed in October as planned. Cllr Evans acknowledged that the centre was due to close in October but had been delayed. Cllr confirmed that residents would not be forced to leave and that the timing of the closure would be properly managed to take account of their needs.

To remodel existing Adult Short Breaks services and contract out to an external provider.


To close the Old Tree Nursery (OTN) in a managed fashion by October 2014 giving appropriate support to the employees who have a disability.







In-house Provision – Supported Employment


To transfer services out of Oxley Day Centre over the next 2 years and in to better quality community settings.



The panel commented on the proposed changes. The panel wanted a report on the progress of the changes and what has been achieved presented to a future meeting. The panel queried if there were any plans for the future use of the site if is closed. Cllr Evans explained that this is proposal and no decision has been made about the future of the building and there will be consultation with the users of the service. Cllr Evans agreed to attend a future meeting of the panel to present details of proposal for the plans for the site.





Commissioning – Bring forward 18/19 savings


No panel comments

Increase and introduce charges for the Council's Carelink Service


Viv Griffin explained the proposals. The panel queried the impact of the introduction of Personal Independence Payments (PIP) on people who previously used DLA to meet the cost. The panel commented on potential shortfall in the income of users as PIP will be paid at a lower rate than DLA or AA.


The panel commented that people should be made aware of the impact of the transition when assessing their benefits to check that they are aware of the change and get their full entitlement.


The panel recommended that a report should be presented to Scrutiny Board. The report should include details about the impact of Universal Credit.


Tony explained that an update report on the impact of the changes and the work being done to prepare for the change.

More Efficient Use of Very Sheltered Housing


Viv Griffin explained the proposals. The panel commented on the impact of ‘bedroom tax’ and the impact on household income. The panel queried the extent to which housing providers were being creative. Tony commented on the work of carers support team who are contact with people affected by the change.

Reduce the total number of care home placements


No panel comments

To Gain Further Efficiencies from External Market Day Service Block Contracts


Tony Ivko introduced the report. The panel stated that they were against zero contract hours.

Single Carer Project


Tony Ivko explained the reasons behind the proposals. Tony explained that the changes would deliver a better service and make best use of the resources.  Tony commented on the benefits of having hoists installed. The panel supported the proposals

Reduce the number of domiciliary care hours


Tony Ivko introduced the report. The panel raised concern about a constituent who commented on the hours of care provided and queried the checks made to ensure quality. Tony explained the systems in place to check the arrival and departure time of a worker. Tony agreed to discuss the matter separately as the Council does not offer contracts for the limited time suggested.

Housing Support Social Inclusion Savings


No panel comments

Other statutory recharge from HRA


No panel comments



October Savings Proposals


Description of Saving



Adult Services



Reduction in the Direct Payment rate related to Personal Assistants


Tony Ivko introduced the report. No panel comments.




Learning and Achievement



Review Adult Education funding arrangements

Education & Enterprise

The panel requested more details about the proposals



Supporting documents: