Agenda item

Youth Council Annual Report

[To receive a verbal update from members of the Youth Council]


The outgoing Chair of Wolverhampton Youth Council introduced the annual report and commented on the key areas of work undertaken by members of Youth Council during the year. The Chair commented on the list of issues identified as priorities, the issues range from knife crime, homelessness, climate change, votes at 16 and work experience. The Board were advised of the work done with different organisations during the year.


The Board were introduced to the new Chair of Youth Council who outlined priorities for 2019/20. The work will be supported by a number of initiatives aimed at getting more young people involved in the annual Make Your Mark Campaign. The Chair wanted to engage more with local councillors and talk about issues of concern to local people that could be considered by members of Youth Council.


Meredith Teasdale, Director of Education, commented on the good work done by Youth Council and discussed the issue of school exclusions. The Director of Education agreed that it would be useful to look at the issue of school exclusions. The Board discussed the issues that contribute to the number of school exclusions and how different factors may influence young people decision to carry knives.


The Board discussed the current review of violent crime and suggested that Youth Council could be invited to give evidence. Youth Council commented on their interest in attending a range of panel meetings to contribute to a wider range of topics that will impact on the future of young people.


The Board discussed the concerns of Youth Council about the difficulties experienced by pupils in getting support needed to arrange work experience sessions. A particular concern was expressed about the limited opportunity for pupils in Year 10 to get work experience and the impact this has later on when trying to apply for apprenticeships. The Director of Education advised that schools have the responsibility to provide pupils with independent careers advice and added that the Council is working with schools to improve the offer to young people. The Director advised the Board that the online learning platform on the Council website had been improved and was being promoted.


The panel discussed the work done by West Midlands Combined Authority to improve skills and the offer to young people.


The Board supported the active involvement of Youth Council in the work of the Council and welcomed ideas for making meetings more accessible to young people. The Board suggested that Youth Council could be invited to attend full Council and also Cabinet. The Board suggested that Councillors could also visit local schools to talk to young people about the work of the Council and positively engage with the process.


The Board also suggested arranging a Scrutiny Take over day for Youth Council.


The Board thanked Youth Council members for their contributions and the report.





            The Board supported increased involvement by Wolverhampton Youth Council in the work of the Council. The Scrutiny Team to work with members of Youth Council to take forward ideas discussed for increasing the opportunities to influence and share the work of the Council.