Agenda item

Health Services for Children and Young People in Care Annual Report January 2018 - February 2019

[To receive the annual report from Wolverhampton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)]


Fiona Brennan, Dedicated Nurse for Children and Young People presented the Health Services for Children and Young People in Care Annual Report January 2018 – February 2019 and highlighted salient points. The report outlined action being taken to deliver health outcomes for children and young people in care and advise the Corporate Parenting Board of future plans.


It was noted that there had been a focus on commissioning arrangements and that the health care provision had expanded to cover children in care placed within a 50-mile radius. This accounted for 92% of children however it was noted that the Wolverhampton Clinical Commissioning Group (WCCG) remained responsible and worked closely with the remaining 8% placed outside of this area.


It was added that the expansion of the administration team had enabled services to become more streamlined and had improved the timeliness of health assessments.


Attention was drawn to page 82 which outlined the Key Health Priorities for Wolverhampton.


In respect of immunisations, it was noted that children in care were less likely to be immunised at the age of two. It was thought that this was due to the process of being placed into care beginning around this age, causing this to be overlooked.


In respect of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), it was noted that the service had undergone a transformation and the CYPiC team had been restructured. It had been ensured that children and young people in care were recognised as having extra or specialised needs.


It was noted that waiting lists had been significantly reduced since the transformation. The longest waits had been experienced with unaccompanied asylum seeker children (UASC), who had been difficult to engage.


The reduction in waiting times was commended however concerns were expressed regarding cancellations or children not showing up for health assessments. It was noted that there were some repeat offenders which could often skew the figures. The Board was reassured that this would be reviewed and addressing non-attendance would become a key performance indicator. It was noted that persistent non-attendance would result in a safeguarding referral, and WCCG would escalate to Children’s Services if necessary. Social Workers would be informed in all instances. It was clarified that CAMHS covered a 20-mile radius.



That the Health Services for Children and Young People in Care Annual Report January 2018 – February 2019 be received.


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