Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Strategy and Action Plan

[To consider the Corporate Parenting Strategy and Action Plan for Looked After Children and Care Leavers]


Alive Vickers, Corporate Parenting Officer presented the Corporate Parenting Strategy and Action Plan for Looked After Children and Care Leavers for use across the Council and its partners.


Cllr Rita Potter enquired as to the support available for Care Leavers including those with learning difficulties. The Corporate Parenting Officer advised that the “New Blongings” package had just been signed off. This was a package that had been evaluated nationally by Care Leavers. The Service Director for Children and Young People undertook to provide a report on this matter to the next meeting of the Board.


Cllr Martin Waite suggested that “the public” should be added to Priority One and that with regard to Priority Eight there was a need for a measurement to be included especially in relation to sexual health and the number of Looked After Children and Care Leavers accessing services. With regard to Priority Nine he suggested that there was also a need for a measurement on making placement changes more positive including, if possible, a minimum notice period to be given in cases where a change in placement was required. Alison Hinds, Head of Looked After Children, explained that where possible notice was given but circumstances sometimes dictated the need for a move at very short notice. Cllr Martin Waite acknowledged this point but suggested a target for notice of planned moves could be added to the Strategy. The Head of Looked After Children undertook to strengthen the information provided to Looked After Children in relation to planned moves. The Chair, Cllr Val Gibson, commented that there was a long lead in time with placement moves where possible but that the service needed to be able to fit around the needs of the individual child. Any attempts to be overly prescriptive could be counter productive. Cllr Paula Brookfield supported this view but requested that in the event of any moves undertaken at short notice the Looked After Child receive a follow up visit very quickly. The Head of Looked After Children advised that such a visit was always made within 72 hours of such a move. The Corporate Parenting Officer reported that in the case of an out of city placement a directory of services provided by the relevant local authority was also provided and work was undertaken with the Fostering Service.  


With regard to Priority Nine, Cllr Peter O’Neill suggested that the idea of making placement moves more positive should be explored with the Children in Care Council.


Cllr Paula Brookfield referred to the dedicated link in housing for fostering services and enquired as to the meaning of this term. The Corporate Parenting Officer explained that prospective Foster Carers’ would require larger houses and that this needed to be factored into the allocation process.


Cllr Julie Hodgkiss queried Priority Four. The corporate Parenting Officer explained that as a result of placement moves the social lives of Looked After Children were often interrupted and that there was a need for a sense of inclusion in the company of children who were not in care. The opening of the Youth Zone and work with the Youth Council could assist with the achievement of this Priority. Cllr Julie Hodgkiss referred to Priority Five and the two distinct elements and queried whether the Looked After Childen required further information on why it was not always possible for contact with siblings to be maintained. The Corporate Parenting Officer reported on the absence of data on the number of siblings kept together or separated and that the intention was to make sure information on siblings was available if requested by a Looked After Child.



That subject to minor amendments and clarifications as now discussed the Corporate Parenting Strategy and Action Plan be approved for submission to the Children, Young People and Families Scrutiny Panel for consideration and then to be subject to formal ratification by this Board.  

Supporting documents: