Issue - decisions

Senior Management Structure and Pay Policy

23/07/2021 - Our Future Senior Leadership (Phase 1)

1.    That the establishment of an Executive Director of Families post be approved subject to appointment by a Special Appointments Committee.

2.    That the establishment of a Chief Operating Officer post be approved subject to appointment by a Special Appointments Committee.

3.    That a Special Appointments Committee for the appointment of an Executive Director of Families be approved.

4.    That a Special Appointments Committee for the appointment of a Chief Operating Officer be approved.

5.    That the Special Appointment Committees approved within this report have delegated authority to endorse both appointments on behalf of Council.

6.    That a nominated chair of an employee equality forum also be included on the Special Appointment Committee panels as an observer to further embed our absolute commitment to equalities and diversity.

7.    That a revision to the Senior Management Pay structure to support the introduction of new senior management posts; Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director of Families be approved.

8.    That the financial implications of delivering our future senior leadership would be considered as a whole, taking account of both phases one and two. By the end of phase two there would have been a reduction in headcount, and as a minimum the revised structure would be cost neutral.