Issue - decisions

Relighting Our Council

18/11/2021 - Relighting Our Council

1.      That the Relighting Our Council vision and strategy, which sets out the high-level approach to develop a new flexible and agile operating model in order to best meet the needs of our city be approved.


2.      That the proposal to engage with the organisation and consult with the Trade Unions on the development of a fair, inclusive, and equitable ‘Our employee/people offer’ be approved.


3.      That the drawdown of £200,000 funding which has been previously set aside in the Transformation Reserve for the Our Assets Programme and the utilisation of other existing funding allocations to facilitate this strategy, as outlined in the financial implications be approved.


4.      That it be noted that in line with this high level Relighting Our Council strategy, further work would be done to develop a new workspace strategy, new employee offer and Our People Strategy, new staff sustainable travel policy and new digital strategy to ensure the delivery of better outcomes for local people.


5.      That the outcome of the pre-decision scrutiny undertaken by the Our Council Scrutiny Panel on 2 November, summarised at paragraph 2.4 and appendix 2 to the report be noted.