Issue - decisions

2018-19 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018-19 - 2019-20 - Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement Update

17/01/2018 - 2018-2019 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018-2019 - 2019-2020 - Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement Update

1.       That the extension of use of the capital receipts flexibilities to fund transformation work to 2019-2020 be approved.


2.       That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Resources, in consultation with the Director for Finance to respond to the consultation on the Fair Funding Review.


3.       That the outcome of the 2018-2019 provisional local government finance settlement be noted.


4.       That it be noted that the final budget report to Cabinet 21 February 2018 would reflect the outcome of the settlement, budget consultation, scrutiny work and detailed budget work for 2018-2019, including a review of all savings and the risks associated with their delivery.