Issue - decisions

External Funding Update 2018

15/01/2019 - External Funding Update 2018

1.     That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for City Environment and the Cabinet Member for Resources, in consultation with the Service Director of City Environment and Director of Finance, to approve the grant funding agreements relating to the Smart Intelligent Infrastructure Investment bid and to approve the necessary budgets if the bid is successful.


2.     That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member of City Economy and the Cabinet Member of Resources, in consultation with the Director Regeneration and Director of Finance to approve the grant funding agreements relating to the Cultural Development Fund bid and to approve the necessary budgets if the bid is successful.


3.     That an increase of £14,717 to the capital programme for the Black Country Blue Network project, which is fully funded through section 106 monies, to maximise the use of existing European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) grant be approved.


4.     That a revenue budget based on the Rough Sleeper Cold Weather fund allocation to the value of £20,000 which is fully funded be approved.


5.     That it be noted that the ERDF bid for Smart Intelligent Infrastructure Investment has been submitted to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government as managing authority for ERDF and the outcome is awaited.


6.     That it be noted that the bid for Cultural Development Fund monies has been submitted to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the outcome is awaited.


7.     That it be noted that the bid for Controlling Migration Fund monies has been submitted to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, and the outcome is awaited.