Issue - decisions

Wolverhampton Homes Management Agreement Update

13/09/2018 - Wolverhampton Homes Management Agreement Update

13/09/2018 - The Vision for School Organisation 2018-2020: City of Wolverhampton Education Place Planning

1.  That ‘The Vision for School Organisation 2018-2020: City of Wolverhampton Education Place Planning’ be approved.

2. That the outcome of external consultation in relation to ‘The Vision for School Organisation 2018-2020: City of Wolverhampton Education Place Planning’ be noted.

3. That the summary of discussion from the Children, Young People and Families Scrutiny Panel on 20 June 2018 regarding ‘The Vision for School Organisation 2018-2020: City of Wolverhampton Education Place Planning’ be noted.

4. That the reduction in the recommended primary and secondary surplus be noted (currently 5% and 6% respectively). The aspirational level of surplus has been reduced towards the Department for Education funding surplus figure (2%).

5. That the need to introduce additional Secondary School places for September 2019 be noted.

6. That it be noted that projected levels of demand suggest that further significant investment in additional school places will be required in the future to ensure that supply can meet demand. This will be over and above the existing capital programme.

7. That it be noted that a further report will be brought to Cabinet with details of proposed individual schemes to be considered for inclusion in the Secondary Expansion Programme 2019 - 2020.

8. That it be noted that the Regional Schools Commissioner is responsible for determining if academies can expand. The Council is not in full control of all the factors relating to the effective and timely supply of school places.