Issue - decisions

Allocations Policy Review

20/02/2020 - Allocations Policy Review

1.     That the implementation, from 1 April 2020, of the aspects of the revised Allocation Policy that are not dependant on the development of the IT system as detailed in paragraph 6.4 of the report be approved.  The remainder of the policy, that is dependant on the development of the IT system to be implemented from February 2021.


2.     That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Resources, in consultation with the Director for City Assets and Housing to approve any minor changes to the final policy, where any structural constraints to the IT system are identified which are not able to support implementation of minor aspects of the recommended changes.


3.     That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Resources, in consultation with the Director for City Assets and Housing, to make minor editorial changes to the Allocations Policy when necessary.


4.     That the recommendations from the Vibrant and Sustainable City Scrutiny Panel referred to in the pre-decision scrutiny at appendix 1 to the report be noted.


5.     That it be noted that the Allocations Policy continues to delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for City Assets and Housing, in consultation with the Director for City Assets and Housing, to approve local lettings plans which are time limited variations to the Allocations Policy to achieve specific objectives pertaining to a local area or addressing a specific issue.