Issue - decisions

External Funding Update 2020/21

30/07/2020 - External Funding Update Quarter Four 2020/2021

1.      That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for City Environment and the Cabinet Member for Resources, in consultation with the Director of City Environment and Director of Finance to:


a.      Approve acceptance of the grant funding agreements and the Council entering into such agreements if the Black Country Blue Network 2, Wolverhampton Investment Smart Energy and the Black Country Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure Grant Scheme projects are successful at final bid stage.


b.      Create the necessary supplementary revenue budgets in line with the funding agreements if the projects referred to in recommendation 1 above are successful at final bid stage.


c.      Create the necessary supplementary capital budgets in line with the funding agreements if the projects referred to in recommendation 1 above are successful at final bid stage.


d.      Approve additional capital budget of £2.1 million funded through £1.1 million European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) grant and £976,000 Council capital match for the Black Country Blue Network 2 project. The Council capital budget will be fully funded through Section 106 agreements received.


e.      Approve reimbursement of ERDF grant to delivery partners who are awarded ERDF grant for Black Country Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure Grant Scheme.


f.        Approve the payment of grants to businesses who are awarded ERDF grant for Black Country Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure Grant Scheme.


2.   Approve acceptance of memorandum of understanding and creation of required supplementary budgets to deliver the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Integration Project.


3.      The submission of full bids for key schemes to meet our climate change commitment including environmental improvements through the Black Country Blue Network 2 project, energy efficiency improvements through the Wolverhampton Investment Smart Energy project and supporting the uptake of ultra low emission vehicles through the Black Country Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure Grant Scheme be noted.


4.      That the successful outcome of the ESOL for Integration Fund to deliver a series of community based to support English language practice and social integration in the city be noted.

5.      That the virement of funding from the Corporate Capital Contingency to create a capital budget for Wolverhampton Investment Smart Energy, subject to business case approval be noted.