Issue - decisions

NHS Digital Social Care Programme

20/02/2020 - NHS Digital Social Care Programme

1.     That the acceptance of the NHS Digital Social Care Pathfinder grant and the establishment of supplementary budgets totalling £344,000 to be funded by the grant be approved.


2.     That City of Wolverhampton Council becomes the Accountable Body for ensuring the grant and grant agreement are delivered.


3.     That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Adult Services in consultation with the Director of Adult Services to agree actual expenditure of the grant monies in line with the broad allocation set out in section 2.4 of the report.


4.     That the Council enter into such agreements as are necessary to receive grant funding for the NHS Digital Social Care project including any variations to current agreements for the release of further funds.


5.     That the Council enter into any necessary agreements for the provision of funds by the Council to other organisations in respect of the NHS Digital Care Project.


6.     That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Adults in consultation with the Director of Adult Services to approve the terms of any agreements referred to in Recommendation 4 and 5 above


7.     That the Council’s successful engagement with the NHS Social Care Programme be noted.