
Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
IEDN Holy Rosary Catholic Primary SRTS ref: 946329/11/202429/11/2024Not for call-in
Bilston Town Hall - roof renewal, lead replacement and stonemason works ref: 946229/11/202429/11/2024Not for call-in
IEDN Oxford Street - Hare Street (Chapel Street) ETRO ref: 946129/11/202429/11/2024Not for call-in
Land and Property Transaction - IEDN 103 ref: 945928/11/202428/11/2024Not for call-in
Supplementary Budget - Magistrates Court Ventilation and Fire Alarm ref: 946015/11/202415/11/2024Not for call-in
Contract Award - New Park Village Demolition Works (Phase 1) ref: 945822/11/202422/11/2024Not for call-in