
Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

29/11/2024 - IEDN Holy Rosary Catholic Primary SRTS ref: 9463    Recommendations Approved

Safe Routes to School measures and associated traffic regulation order in Hickman Avenue to support the Holy Rosary Primary Catholic Academy (HRPCA) Safe Routes to School Scheme 2024/25

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Transport and Green City

Decision published: 02/12/2024

Effective from: 29/11/2024


1.    Approved the implementation of traffic regulation orders as shown in Appendix A, (Plan T4 4607-2).


2.    Approved the implementation of traffic calming measures as shown in Appendix B (Plan SRTS24-01-D).


3.    Approved the recommended action to overrule an objection to waiting restrictions to parts of Hickman Avenue in response to comments received during public consultation and implement as shown on plan T4 4607-2 Appendix A of this note.


4.    Authorised the Chief Operating Officer to implement the relevant Traffic Regulation Order.


Wards affected: East Park;

Lead officer: Stephen Scanlon

29/11/2024 - Bilston Town Hall - roof renewal, lead replacement and stonemason works ref: 9462    Recommendations Approved

To delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Resources, in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Deputy Director of Assets to allocate funds from reserves to individual projects in order that corporate priorities may be addressed in an agile and timely manner.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Resources

Decision published: 02/12/2024

Effective from: 29/11/2024


1.      Approved the allocation of up to £142,000 from the Insurance Reserve for the renewal of the Bilston Town Hall roof, following severe theft and damage of the roof Lead, and stone parapet, as detailed in Table 1.

Wards affected: Bilston North;

Lead officer: Julie Bell-Barker, Suky Hira, Elizabeth Morton

29/11/2024 - IEDN Oxford Street - Hare Street (Chapel Street) ETRO ref: 9461    Recommendations Approved

Local Safety Scheme

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Transport and Green City

Decision published: 02/12/2024

Effective from: 29/11/2024


1.      Approved the implementation of a compulsory left turn experimental order on Chapel Street and Hare Street to A41 Oxford Street, supported by physical measures.

2.      Authorised the Chief Operating Officer to implement the relevant experimental Traffic Regulation Order.

Wards affected: Bilston South;

Lead officer: Stephen Scanlon

28/11/2024 - Land and Property Transaction - IEDN 103 ref: 9459    Recommendations Approved

Approval is sought for the disposal of Land at Moorfield House by way of transaction.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Governance and Equalities

Decision published: 29/11/2024

Effective from: 28/11/2024


Approved the completion of the transaction listed below:



1.  Land at Moorfield House – To declare the land surplus to Council requirements.

2.  Freehold disposal of the land at Moorfield House in accordance with the terms set out below.



Wards affected: Blakenhall;

Lead officer: Nick Hawkes, Elizabeth Morton

15/11/2024 - Supplementary Budget - Magistrates Court Ventilation and Fire Alarm ref: 9460    Recommendations Approved

Approve a supplementary budget of £190,000 funding to the Corporate Asset Management Fund to undertake urgent works at the Magistrates Courts.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Governance and Equalities

Decision published: 26/11/2024

Effective from: 15/11/2024


1.  Approved a supplementary budget of £190,000 funding to the Corporate Asset Management Fund to undertake urgent works at the Magistrates Courts as detailed in table 1, which will be reimbursed in full by the Ministry of Justice.

Wards affected: St Peter's;

Lead officer: Suky Hira

22/11/2024 - Contract Award - New Park Village Demolition Works (Phase 1) ref: 9458    Recommendations Approved

Award of contract following evaluation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Governance and Equalities

Decision published: 25/11/2024

Effective from: 22/11/2024


1.   Awarded the contract for Phase 1 Demolition Works at New Park Village to DSM Demolition, for 6 months, from 25 November 2024 to 24 May 2025, for a total contract value of £934,291.45.


Wards affected: Heath Town;

Lead officer: Damilola Eleshin