Agenda and draft minutes

Scrutiny Board - Tuesday, 15th April, 2014 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - 3rd Floor - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Tessa Johnson  01902 554003 or Email:

No. Item



Apologies for absence


No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meeting (18 March 2014) pdf icon PDF 253 KB

[To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.]



That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising


There were no matters arising.


Schedule of outstanding minutes

[See notes to the agenda.]



To note the schedule.



Tracking and monitoring of Scrutiny recommendations pdf icon PDF 235 KB

[To consider arrangements for monitoring outcomes from Scrutiny reviews.]


Charlotte Johns introduced the report which proposed the close down of several scrutiny reviews where actions had been implemented or where the context had changed dramatically. She added that in the future there would be a more thorough and timely process of tracking recommendations from scrutiny reviews.


Cllr Simkins enquired as to whether the reviews which were being closed down would be reported back to the Board and Cllr O’Neill directed him to the reasons listed within the report for the reviews to be closed down. Cllr Hodgkiss asked for the titles of the various youth service reviews to be clarified, as there had been multiple reviews on similar topics. Cllr Simkins asked whether the PREVENT work completed by Cllr Angus was included in the report and Adam Hadley informed the board that the review in question was still live, and that there would be a progress report coming to the Board in due course.


Cllr Paula Brookfield asked for further clarity on the new way of reporting and tracking reviews. Adam Hadley responded that a list of live reviews would be collated, along with information on how and when they will be reported over the next municipal year.




1.    To close down the following scrutiny reviews:

·         Local Neighbourhood Partnerships

·         Publicising youth provision

·         Youth unemployment

·         Review of Scrutiny

·         Access to information and support for deaf people

·         Youth services inquiry

·         Youth services

·         Support for looked after children

·         Communications with customers

·         Bullying and harassment

·         Social housing

·         Supporting independent living

·         Empty building and re-use

·         Council’s compliance with the Equality Act 2010

·         Supporting small business


2.    To agree that, six months after a review is reported to Cabinet, an update will be provided to Scrutiny Board and consideration given as to whether it can be closed down.


3.    To agree that, when considering tracking and monitoring reports on scrutiny reviews, current Councillors who were involved in the scrutiny review be invited to the meeting of the Scrutiny Board.


Scrutiny work programme pdf icon PDF 272 KB

[To review arrangements for co-ordination of the Scrutiny work programme.]


Adam Hadley introduced the report to the Board. He reminded the Councillors that Scrutiny Board has the constitutional responsibility for work programme planning, but that currently each panel receives a formally reported work programme at every meeting. The report proposed for only Scrutiny Board to formally receive the work programmes and to have responsibility for allocating work to each panel to ensure there is no duplication. It would also allow Scrutiny Board to more closely monitor the work programmes of the panels. Cllr Paula Brookfield expressed her approval for the report, stating that previously there had been confusion over which panel should scrutinise certain areas. Cllr Hodgkiss added that it was important to emphasise to co-opted members that they were still able to suggest items for the work programme, even if it was not discussed as an agenda item at each meeting. 


Cllr Simkins asked whether scrutiny reviews should be reported back to relevant scrutiny panels. Adam Hadley advised that often scrutiny reviews are cross-cutting and therefore such reporting could result in duplication; however, Scrutiny Board could recommend that certain panels monitor specific recommendations within a review.



That, in future, Scrutiny Board will receive details of the scrutiny work programme, allocating work to the panels as appropriate, and that the reporting of work programmes to the individual panels will cease.


Annual Scrutiny report pdf icon PDF 2 MB

[To consider the draft review of Scrutiny activity for 2013/14.]


Cllr O’Neill introduced the report and informed the Board that the annual report would be presented at Council. Cllr Simkins raised concerns regarding the wide remit and resource implications of his scrutiny panel. Cllr Paula Brookfield agreed that Scrutiny Board should recognise that certain pieces of work, for example her panel’s work with the Safeguarding Board, took up substantial amounts of scrutiny panel time. She added that there needed to be more thorough mechanisms in place to scrutinise external bodies. Cllr O’Neill agreed, particularly with regards to health scrutiny, which was still unclear due to a lack of central government guidance. Adam Hadley advised that with regards to health scrutiny local guidance would be prepared for consideration in the near future. Cllr Patten expressed his satisfaction with the clarification around call-ins within the annual report.



1.    To authorise the chair and vice-chair of Scrutiny Board to make any final changes to the annual report.

2.    To refer the annual report to full Council for its consideration.


Cllr O’Neill thanked Cllr Patten for his contribution to scrutiny and Cllr Patten thanked the Chair for his kind words and expressed his satisfaction with the recent improvements at Scrutiny Board.