
Attending public meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meetings listed below. You can click on each committee to find out when it will meet.

Some agenda items are discussed in private because of their confidential or commercial nature. Reports and parts of a meeting relating to such items are not open to the public, although the report titles and reasons for exemption are specified on the agenda.

Please take note of the protocol for filming, recording and use of social media in meetings.

Please note currently all public meetings are now being webcast and any representations made by the public will be recorded unless we are instructed otherwise. For further information on the Council's Webcasting Protocol please refer to the Council's Constitution.

If you need any particular assistance (e.g. large copy documents, wheelchair access, hearing loop, etc.) please contact the Democratic Support Officer responsible for the meeting (which is indicated on the front page of each agenda).

Historical Council, Cabinet and other Councillors meetings can be viewed here.


Executive (Cabinet)

Scrutiny Board and Panels

Scrutiny Reviews



Partnership Boards


Advisory Groups

Other Committees