Agenda item

Dedicated Schools Grant - Early Years Block 2023-2024

[To agree the proposed use of the Early Years Block grant for 2023-2024.]


James Barlow, Finance Business Partner presented the Dedicated Schools Grant - Early Years Block 2023-2024 report and highlighted salient points. The report provided details of the proposed use of the Early Years funding block of the Dedicated Schools Grant in 2023-2024.


In response to a query around the 0.15p per hour for the Separate Teachers Pay and Pension Element for School Nurseries in paragraph 2.4, it was clarified that this information was drawn from the Early Years funding rates and step-by-step calculations 2023 to 2024 (link provided within report). It was reported that proposals for distribution methods were being explored internally although not yet finalised; an update would be provided as part of Matters Arising at the summer Schools’ Forum meeting.


A query was raised in respect of the pass-through rate for two-year-old funding as there were concerns around top slicing from the 3–4-year-old funding to subsidise staffing costs. Concerns were acknowledged and although local authorities could not influence this it was noted that, should there be a consultation, this would be raised with government at the first opportunity.


Due to patterns highlighted in previous years in which the centrally retained service allocations had increased despite a balance in the out-turn, it was queried whether there may be the possibility of some carry-forward. It was also noted that the £118,000 did not agree with the forecast cost to deliver the Early Years’ service for 2023 – 2024.  It was clarified that the funding had been spent in full in previous years and that the £449,000 referred to the total costs to the Authority and the £118,000 was topped up by the local authority.


A query was raised around whether the inclusion funding allocations would be sufficient as there had been an overspend in this area last financial year and similar concerns were expressed for the next. It was acknowledged that larger numbers of children with SEND were being identified than previously, therefore the work being undertaken around forecasting numbers of pupils with SEND would be invaluable in anticipating and meeting future demand. It was also requested that Finance officers meet with relevant Forum members outside of Forum prior to producing the out-turn report to discuss. 


Concerns were expressed that the 1% uplift protection applied to the hourly rates may be insufficient and it was debated whether this could be challenged. It was noted that the National Funding Formula allowed local authorities little control over funding provided by government and how it was distributed, however making representation in response to any future DfE consultations or lobbying MPs were potential options. It was agreed to raise the concern internally with Emma Bennett, Executive Director of Families to establish a course of action and provide an update on the outcome to the Forum.



  1. That the proposed use of the Early Years Block grant for 2023-2024 be agreed.
  2. That an update on distribution of the Separate Teachers Pay and Pension Element for School Nurseries be provided at the next meeting.
  3. That representations be made to government around two-year-old funding at the first opportunity.
  4. That Finance officers meet with relevant Schools’ Forum members separately prior to producing the out-turn report to discuss. 

5.    That concerns around Early Years 1% uplift be raised with Emma Bennett, Executive Director of Families to establish a potential course of action with an update provided on the outcome.

Supporting documents: