Agenda item

Joint Protocol to Manage Unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller Encampments

[To approve the proposed joint protocol for the management of unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller encampments.]


Andy Jervis, Head of Regulatory Services provided a report which informed the Scrutiny Board of the Joint Protocol to manage unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller encampments.  He advised that the protocol had been jointly drafted with Inspector Steve Perry, West Midlands Police and it aimed to assist the joint response to unauthorised encampments.


The Head of Service advised that a protocol had been in place since the 1990’s and had last been reviewed in 2008 but that a number of structural changes within both organisations and some important legislative changes were the main drive for the revised joint protocol, which made the process more consistent. He advised that the lead officer Shaun Walker, Section Leader and Inspector Steve Perry had worked together to develop a working group and held initial discussions, consultations and workshops.


The Head of Service outlined the report. Inspector Steve Perry highlighted the need to recognise people’s rights and there were often complex situations relating to unauthorised encampments. He informed the Panel that there was also a Black Country (BC) working group working alongside regulatory services colleagues from Walsall, Dudley and Sandwell to consider common issues that all Local Authorities have and looking for a solution which they currently do not have, such as a Transit Site or a Temporary Stopping Place.


The Head of Service clarified that the Section Leader had carried out some costing work in relation to a possible Transit Site and that there is a need for a solution exercise to consider where a site could be located. When and if that is solved the protocol will be reviewed again.


Cllr Ian Angus recognised the excellent work that had taken place to bring co-defined into one place. He suggested that councillor awareness be raised in relation to incursions and the code of conduct.  The Head of Regulatory Services clarified the material action of any breach of the code would be compliance however those that do not, or do not continue to, abide by the code will face actions by the Authority and the Authority’s position will be strengthened.


Cllr Phil Bateman welcomed the Black Country approach to managing unauthorised encampments and the protocol.  He suggested that there was a weakness in our intelligence to know whether moving was by force or by will, and that this information was important. He indicated that there were some steps in the process missing particularly how the Local Authority responds and communicates through social media. Regular updates to local residents, telling them what is happening, raising awareness of local residents in relation to services being offered by the unauthorised encampment inhabitants and giving contact numbers if there were concerns.


The Head of Regulatory Service agreed that there was a need to strengthen and develop communications; he advised that real time advice was helpful and that an intelligence data base was being developed based on the police model. He clarified that trading standards work closely with police and their regulatory services colleagues in relation to the use of intelligence and that there had been some recent successes in intervening with rogue traders based on the intelligence received.


The Scrutiny Board recommended that a toolkit for Councillors and general public be developed and that every Councillor receive awareness training as part of the induction process.


The Chair requested that the protocol be reviewed every four years providing no change to legislation warrants an earlier review. He highlighted the need for the Combined Authority to consider the protocol and give recognition to the successful joint working between police and Local Authorities across the Black Country.




1.    That the comments of the Scrutiny Board be taken into account by SEB when considering the final protocol document.


2.    That a communications system and a toolkit or factsheet for Councillors and general public be developed to highlight the protocol and communication channels available relating to unauthorised encampments.


3.    That the proposed draft joint protocol to manage unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller encampments be approved subject to improvements with SEB, namely an expansion of the sections pertaining to equalities and welfare assessment.

4.    That the Board note that the Director for City Environment  be given authority to approve and sign the final version on behalf of the City of Wolverhampton.

5.    That the protocol be reviewed every four years providing no change to legislation warrants an earlier review.



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