Agenda item

Foster Carers

[Foster Carers invited to attend the meeting for information sharing, supported by Esther Douglas, Social Worker/Foster Care Worker]


Esther Douglas, Social Worker/Foster Care Trainer introduced Laura and Stephen Bayliss, Emma Goodwin and Marie Spragg to the Board.


The Chair welcomed the foster carers and thanked them for attending the meeting.  She referred to the recent Ofsted inspection which had graded Children’s Services as good and asked the foster carers if that was their experience of the service and if they could identify any improvements. 


Emma Goodwin stated that she had been caring for the same child for seven years, since they had been 15 months old and during that time she had been well supported.  In terms of contact with siblings, her child kept in contact with their sibling and they shared the same Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO).


Marie Spragg stated she had experienced difficulties when her social worker had been on maternity leave and then working part time; however, now her social worker was back she received the necessary support.


Michelle Earp-Gaskell confirmed that rather than having four part time posts, there were now two full time posts which worked more effectively.  Part time working could be effective in those roles, if it was carefully managed.


The Chair asked the foster carers if the training offered was appropriate and helpful?


Marie Spragg stated that when she was looking after a baby it had been hard to attend all the mandatory training.  Training was essential; however, sometimes it felt like the training was too late and it was then hard to understand why children behaved in a certain way.  


In response, Esther Douglas, Social Worker/Foster Care Trainer confirmed that additional courses had been arranged for the evenings and weekends to ensure that people working could attend.  It was hoped that Joginder Shoker-Kang who undertook the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) training on therapeutic parenting would be able to do that as a course.


Alison Hinds, Head of Looked After Children confirmed that Joginder also had one to one consultations which foster carers might find helpful. 


Marie Spragg stated that she was pleased to see new faces at the Forum meetings. People had also been asked to suggest discussion items.


Laura Bayliss commented that some people were put off attending the Forum meetings as the same issues were continually discussed and often arguments occurred which discouraged some people from attending.


Esther Douglas confirmed that she was currently chairing Forum meetings; however, it should be a foster carer and it was hoped that someone would volunteer.  It was also pleasing to have officers attending meetings.  It was hoped to set up a Facebook page, with the assistance of an experienced Marketing officer.


Emma Goodwin suggested that it would be helpful if foster carers could regularly attend Board meetings.


Members of the Board stated that it would be advantageous to have regular input from foster carers and agreed in principle to two representatives being nominated.  It was suggested that in the interim, foster carers be invited to nominate two people to attend as observers at the next meeting.


Members of the Board thanked the foster carers for attending the meeting and providing input and looked forward to their future attendance.



That the Board recommends in principle that two foster carers be nominated to join the Corporate Parenting Board in order that one foster carer can attend each meeting.