Issue - decisions

Our People Strategy

31/01/2019 - State of City Address

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Roger Lawrence delivered his State of the City address. He highlighted the achievements of the City, actions taken, future significant challenges and opportunities to come.  In doing so he informed Council that facing all of these challenges required a longer-term solution and a longer-term plan. That was why he was announcing today that he would not be standing for re-election for the role of Leader of the Council from May 2019. After 17 years as Group Leader and going on for 15 years as Council Leader he believed that he had done his utmost to help support the City. He would remain as Leader until the May 2019 election and would continue to lead the City Council with all the eager energies he had done in the past. He would also remain a councillor for at least the remainder of his office.


At the end of his State of the City address Councillors stood and gave the Leader generous applause.


Councillor Wendy Thompson provided the principle speech in response to the State of the City Address.