Issue - meetings

HRA development of sites at Ettingshall Road, Showell Circus and Villiers Avenue

Meeting: 25/05/2022 - Cabinet (Resources) Panel (Item 7)

HRA development of sites at Ettingshall Road, Showell Circus and Villiers Avenue

[To approve revised proposals for the HRA development of three sites at Ettingshall Road, Showell Circus and Villiers Avenue]

Additional documents:


1.      That the development of the three sites at Ettingshall Road, Showell Circus and Villiers Avenue for affordable housing be approved.


2.      That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for City Assets and Housing, in consultation with the Director of City Housing and Environment, to approve the appointment of a main contractor for each of the three sites.


3.      That it be noted that the three sites formerly identified for Passivhaus would now be developed with the aim of achieving the Government’s pending Future Homes Standard.


Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal presented the report on a proposal to develop three sites at Ettingshall Road, Showell Circus and Villiers Avenue for affordable housing. The sites would be developed to the Future Homes Standard specification rather than as a Passivhaus development, thereby reducing construction costs and increasing much needed affordable housing in the city.



1.    That the development of the three sites at Ettingshall Road, Showell Circus and Villiers Avenue for affordable housing be approved.


2.    That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for City Assets and Housing, in consultation with the Director of City Housing and Environment, to approve the appointment of a main contractor for each of the three sites.


3.    That it be noted that the three sites formerly identified for Passivhaus would now be developed with the aim of achieving the Government’s pending Future Homes Standard.