Issue - meetings

99 Wellington Road, Wolverhampton

Meeting: 08/11/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 16/00482/FUL - 99 Wellington Road, Wolverhampton pdf icon PDF 68 KB

[To consider the planning application]

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report in relation to planning application 16/00482/FUL, erection of 14 houses with associated roads and parking.


Mrs Pitt addressed the Committee in opposition of the application.



                    That planning application the Strategic Director of Place be given delegated authority to grant planning application 16/00482/FUL subject to:


(i)      Completion of a S106 Agreement to secure:


·     Public Open Space contribution

·     10% Renewable Energy provision


Pro-rata off-site open space contribution and 10% renewable energy provision for all dwellings that are not ready for occupation within 3 years of the date that a lack of viability was established.


(ii)     Any appropriate conditions including


·     Materials

·     Landscaping

·     Boundary treatments (including traffic barrier(s))

·     Drainage

·     Levels

·     Construction Management Plan

·     Tree protection measures

·     Site Investigation

·     Coal Mining

·     Acoustic glazing and ventilation

·     Tree protection measures

·     Electric vehicle recharging points

·     Remove PD rights for windows at first floor to Plots 2 and 10

·     Targeted Recruitment and Training

·     Extend splitter island on Wellington Road

·     Traffic Regulation Orders to protect existing highway junctions