Issue - meetings

1 Woodfield Avenue

Meeting: 11/07/2017 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 17/00505/FUL - 1 Woodfield Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton pdf icon PDF 949 KB

[To consider the planning application]



The Committee considered a report regarding application 17/00505/FUL, resubmission of application for demolition of derelict coach house and erection of new two-storey annexe, and remodelling of external areas with associated landscaping and parking.


Tracey Homfray, Planning Officer, reported on an update to the report since it had been published. A further 14 letters, a petition containing 104 signatures and letters from Councillor P Patten, Councillor P Singh and MP Eleanor Smith had been received all in support of the application. 


Mr Paul Goddard-Patel addressed the Committee and spoke in opposition to the application.


Mr John Thorne addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application.


Tracey Homfray, Planning Officer confirmed that the additional parking spaces referred to by Mr Thorne could not be confirmed as they were reliant on the good will of other people.  In terms of the structured play, the proposed increase in the number of children would result in that play covering the majority of the day.


Members of the Committee acknowledged the importance of child education but were concerned that the supporting infrastructure required for the proposed development had not been fully considered, thus creating parking and safety issues.



That planning application 17/00505/FUL be refused for the reasons set out in the report.