Issue - meetings

20 Whernside Drive

Meeting: 22/05/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 18/00284/FUL - 20 Whernside Drive, Wolverhampton pdf icon PDF 442 KB

[To consider the planning application]



The Committee considered a report regarding 18/00284/FUL, two storey side extension (revised proposal to previously approved 16/00415/FUL amendments to roof and rearward projection).



That planning application 18/00284/FUL be refused planning permission for the following reason:

The proposed additional rearward projection and increased height of the brickwork to the side gable by reason of its height, mass and position relative to the gardens/houses at 1 and 3 Roxby Gardens, result in an unacceptable loss of sunlight and daylight and have an overbearing effect on the outlook presently enjoyed by these gardens and houses. Contrary to UDP policies D4, D6, D7, D8, D9 and BCCS Policies CSP4, ENV3.