Issue - meetings

Former Royal Hospital site

Meeting: 11/09/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 Former Royal Hospital site pdf icon PDF 810 KB

[To consider the planning application.]


The Committee considered the following two associated reports:


17/01209/FUL - Hybrid planning application

Area A - ‘Full’ permission for change of use of the former main hospital building (Grade II listed building) and external and internal alterations to provide 53 residential apartments; change of use of the former lodge building to Use Class A1 (Shops) / A3 (Restaurants and Cafes), associated access, car parking and landscaping; and demolition of former nurses accommodation block and redevelopment to create an apartment block (24 apartments) together with access, car parking and associated site infrastructure.

Area B - ‘Outline’ permission for up to 115 residential dwellings (all matters reserved).


17/01210/LBC - Listed Building Consent application

Former Royal Hospital Building – Retention, conversion and alterations to create 53 apartments.

Former Lodge – Retention, conversion and alterations to use class A1 (shops) / A3 (restaurants and cafes)

Former Nurses Home: Full demolition of building.


Stephen Alexander, Head of Planning, reported an update to the report since it had been published. He advised that Historic England had withdrew their objection and had no outstanding concerns with the application.


Mr Mark Jackson addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application.


Members of the Planning Committee welcomed the application and were happy that the Grade II Listed building would be maintained and given a new purpose within the community.



17/01209/FUL - Hybrid planning application -

That the Strategic Director for Place be given delegated authority to grant

subject to:

  1. Referral of the application to the Secretary of State in accordance with the arrangements for handling Heritage Applications – Notification to Historic England and National Amenity Societies and the Secretary of State (England) Direction 2015.
  2. Signing of a S106 for:

·       highway works, including any necessary traffic regulation orders

·       management of communal areas and apartments

·       12.5% Affordable housing

·       Reduction of the Section 106 requirements commensurate with the lack of viability, with such a reduction being for a 3 year period only.

  1. Any necessary conditions to include:

·       Construction management plan and method statement

·       Drainage

·       Levels

·       Recruitment and Training

·       Bin stores

·       Cycle and motorcycle parking

·       Boundary treatments

·       Provision of electric vehicle charging points

·       Acoustic attenuation

·       Provision of parking

·       External Lighting

·       Travel Plan

·       Landscaping

·       Ground remediation

·       External materials

·       Submission of reserved matters associated with the outline

·       Demolition of the nurses’ home not to commence before a contract for the carrying out of the construction of the apartment block (24 apartments) to replace the former nurses’ home has been let

·       Prior to the demolition of the former nurses’ home a record of the former nurses’ home shall be made and the record shall be made publicly available

·       Total number of dwellings within the area of land for which “outline” consent is given to be 115.

·       Implement recommendations of the ecology report


17/01210/LBC - Listed Building Consent application - 

That the Strategic Director for Place be given delegated authority to grant

subject to:

  1. Referral to the Secretary of State in accordance with the arrangements for handling heritage applications – notification to Historic England  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6