Agenda item

Education Settings Update

[To receive a joint verbal update from Education and Public Health on educational settings.]


Emma Bennett, Director of Children’s Services delivered the presentation on the Education Settings Update.


It was reported that all schools were now open and had shown promising attendance, although some parents had exercised extra caution around sending children in who were feeling unwell.


A robust attendance pathway was currently in place with the Attendance Team taking a proactive approach and engaging well with families.


There had been an increase reported in elective home learning, which had been expected as families either had found they preferred this method of learning or had concerns around possible infection in school. A dedicated Home Education Officer had been appointed to provide support and initiate conversations with parents around what home education entails, its benefits and pitfalls.


Numbers were constantly evolving however at the time of the meeting, 3,000 children across the City were self-isolating and 67 incidents of positive cases had been reported.


The Authority had been working closely with the Department for Education to support schools and headteachers in navigating the guidance and making informed decisions on isolating the right bubbles. It was noted that it was important to balance safety with avoiding the risk of too many pupils missing school unnecessarily.


It was noted that schools needed to have a Remote Learning Plan in place by the end of September 2020. Many schools across the City had them finalised already and School Improvement Advisors had been analysing them to ensure they met the National Curriculum. 


It was noted that the Authority were having daily conversations with the Department for Education to raise any issues.


It was reported that support for vulnerable learners was being continued by ensuring safe school transport for children and testing availability in special schools.


A concern was raised around the numbers of children self-isolating and the impact this had on teaching staff in terms of staff needing to self-isolate if their own children had to. It was noted that, to date, 50 pupils and 16 staff had tested positive which had resulted in 3,000 pupils and 200 members of staff self-isolating. This situation was being closely monitored and, as intelligence such as ‘Test and Trace’ became more efficient, it would become possible to safely send home smaller bubbles and fewer pupils and staff would be affected. In addition, guidance had been issued around childcare bubbles to assist and headteachers had been reporting promptly on positive cases as they became more familiar with the process.


In response to a query around what provision there was in place to support home-schooling due to the national increase in elective home learning as a result of COVID-19. It was clarified that all parents had the right to elect to home school their child for varying reasons and support was made available from the Authority, including learning resources, support group contacts and home visits. Parents did not have to accept support, although each case was cross-referenced with other vulnerabilities, checked to ensure parents were home-educating for the right reasons and that the arrangement was sustainable. It was important to stress to parents the great responsibility to make this decision.  



That the Education Setting Update be noted.