Agenda item

Wolverhampton Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2014/15

The purpose of this report is to provide Scrutiny Panel with a copy of the Wolverhampton Safeguarding Adult Board’s (WSAB)  Annual Report and Executive Summary (Appendix 1 & Appendix 2), to inform Scrutiny of safeguarding activity 2014/2015 and to present the progress made against the priorities for 2013-16.



Sandra Ashton Jones, Safeguarding Manager- Adults provided a copy of the Wolverhampton Safeguarding Adult Board’s (WSAB) Annual Report and Executive Summary. She informed the Panel of the safeguarding activity 2014-15, presented the progress made against the priorities for 2013-16 and provided an overview of how partners have discharged their safeguarding responsibilities over the preceding year.


The Safeguarding Manager outlined the implications to policy and practice contained within the Care Act 2014 and gave an update on progress against the priorities. She highlighted that the work had been undertaken to prevent neglect and abuse over the past 12 months and work that will be prioritised over the next 12 months.


The Panel were advised that the numbers of GP safeguarding referrals had increased particularly regarding the number of repeat falls for residents living in care homes, the move to provide awareness training to GP’s through the CCG  may have helped to address the issue.  When inspected by the CQC they were assessed on safeguarding matters, and it was suggested by panel that non-reporting of falls needs to be mapped.


Cllr Rita Potter voiced concerns about older people being the target group of recent scams and rogue traders in Bilston and Wednesfield areas; she wanted to ensure the elderly do not get involved with scams. The Panel was advised that there was a lot of proactive work happening with trading standards and involvement in a National scheme would raise awareness of the issues.


The Safeguarding Manager advised that this Council is one of the first in the Country to go for a joint Adult and Children Board Safeguarding Website.

Cllr Ian Claymore welcomed the number of partner organisations listed in the report as Board Partners.  Panel considered that workforce development really has to move away from children in isolation as there is so much overlap in what we do.


Cllr Paula Brookfield, Chair, indicated that the demographics are changing quickly in the City and that some cultures and norms in daily life are not acceptable in this Country, which may be acceptable in other Countries.

Cllr Rupinderjit Kaur recognised the link with faith groups and asked what  kind of response had been received.  Panel were advised that several new faith organisations and places of worship are being established, the Joint Board Communication and Community Engagement committee is taking a very proactive approach to engaging with faith groups in the City.

There followed a discussion relating to targeting resources and mapping, panel identified and the need to map out the strategic level to see how they fit and a need to invite trading standards.


There were some individual issues raised for further discussion as follows:

·         Private landlords – Safeguarding messages 

·         Migrant Community  - Care Act Modern Slavery

·         WASP (Linda Boyle) - Wolverhampton Anti-Slavery

·         Landlords – Sensitive housing taking culture and nationality into account.


The Chair thanked everyone for their contributions and she welcomed the progress that Safeguarding Board was making in the City.


In summary the Panel identified a need to map where referrals were coming from and a need to target resources in the right place




1.    To welcome the report and highlight the need for resources to be mapped out.

2.    To request Trading Standards to present a report to a future meeting. 


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