Agenda item

Motions on Notice

[That Council consider the motions received by Councillor Ian Brookfield and Councillor Ellis Turrell]


1.    That the substantive motion on new planning proposal be agreed.

2.    That the substantive motion on brownfield only policy be agreed.  


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Ian Brookfield moved the following motion:


We call upon our Council to join the national uproar from all local authorities about the Government’s new planning proposals.


They are essentially an uninspired ‘Developers Charter’ that fails to respect the most important part of any planning process – the views of local residents.


Their proposals for a zonal based system where all land will be put into 3 different zone categories (Growth, Renewal and Protected) would replace the existing ability of local planning authorities to make individual decisions about developments. It would replace the current system of applying for planning permission, and deny local residents the opportunity to voice their opinions on individual applications. This is an erosion of local democracy.


‘Zonal planning’ is at best, a very blunt instrument and, at worst, a disaster. This council cannot and will not support such an approach.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Ian Brookfield outlined the rationale for motion. Councillor Stephen Simkins seconded the motion.


Councillor Adam Collinge moved the following amended motion:


“We call upon the Council to join with other local authorities in expressing concern at parts of the draft proposals in the Government’s planning white paper.


“Whilst the Government white paper Planning for the Future remains subject to further consultation, parliamentary scrutiny and approval, this Council believes that Government should review its approach, working as closely as possible with local authorities and local communities to address legitimate concerns in order to build and implement a planning system that is fair and equitable, accounts for local development constraints, considerations and concerns and fully involves local communities in guiding how development proceeds such that we can regenerate and build high-quality, sustainable, healthy, ‘greener’ communities that meet individual and families housing needs. 


“Furthermore, this Council is pleased to see the promotion of neighbourhood plans within the white paper and hopes to see this promotion continued.


“Lastly, this Council agrees to the Chief Executive writing to the Secretary of State for MHCLG advising him of this Council’s views as stated above”.


Councillor Adam Collinge outlined therationale for the amended motion. Councillor Andrew Randle seconded the motion.


The amended motion was debated by Council. The amended motion was lost.




That the substantive motion on new planning proposals be agreed.


Councillor Ellis Turrell will move the following motion:


That this Council, in pursuit of a Brownfield-first policy, agrees to actively promote the identification of further brownfield land across the City for housing, through both the public consultation of the Black Country Plan and a public ‘call for sites’, including making direct contact with landowners; and that council-owned greenfield and green belt land shall not be put forward for development, but instead retained for future generations, ensuring any wider development proposals secure investment for such green spaces for community benefit and ecological enhancements.   


The Councillor Ellis Turrell outlined the rationale for motion. Councillor Adam Collinge seconded the motion.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Ian Brookfield moved the following amended motion:


That this Council, is in pursuit of a brownfield only policy, makes urgent representations to the Secretary of State Robert Jenrick and the MHCLG to inform them that the number of houses they require us to provide under the Black Country Plan far outstrips our total brownfield capacity, and forces us to use our precious and limited green belt.   The Government alone are the only body able to change Wolverhampton's housing/employment land target and they alone can give our residents a green future fit for their children by allowing us to use brownfield only.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Ian Brookfield outlined the rationale for the amended motion. Councillor Stephen Simkins seconded the motion.


The amended motion was debated by Council. The amended motion was carried.


That the substantive motion on brownfield only policy be agreed.

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