Agenda item

Dedicated Schools Grant and School Funding 2022 - 2023

[To endorse the proposals for the national funding formula and DSG settlements.]


Terry Shaw, Finance Manager presented the Dedicated Schools Grant and School Funding 2022 – 2023 report and highlighted salient points. The report outlined the anticipated Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) settlement for 2022-2023 and the proposed local funding formula for the Schools block in Wolverhampton.


It provided indicative DSG settlements for the Schools Block, High Needs Block, Central Schools and Services Block (CSSB), and the Early Years Block.


It was noted that the initial figures had been published by the DfE in December 2022 however there had been a further announcement on 12 January 2022 outlining an additional £1.86m Health and Social Care Levy funding for the High Needs Block. This brought the total DSG High Needs allocation for 2022-2023 up to £52.20 million and the revised figures had been included within the report.


It was noted that the Council was also required to have the local funding arrangements agreed by Cabinet in February 2022, enabling the Council to notify schools of their final budget share by the time of the 17 February 2022 Schools’ Forum meeting.


It was noted that the CSSB allocation appeared to have reduced over time however it was clarified that this included historical factors, such as tri-partied funding and severance arrangement costs, would eventually phase out.


There had been a reduction in the Early Years Block allocation since last year and a meeting had been planned with Head of the Early Years Block,


A discussion followed during which it was acknowledged that the information had not been released in a timely enough manner to allow schools to fully absorb and understand the implications. Some members reported they had felt that the consultation had not reached them. Assurances were offered that there had been conversations taking place with School Improvement and support offered to schools in how to manage the implications of the funding allocations. Members expressed appreciation for the Schools Improvement service.


It was clarified that there would be further consultation on funding beyond 2022 – 2023 and this would not be decided upon at this meeting.


A query was raised around whether the information within the report related to maintained schools only or if academies were included. It was noted that further meetings and consultations were required with School Improvement and other education colleagues to discuss that the implications were. It was agreed that the implications for academies would be included in this and feedback would be provided.


Concerns raised by Forum members were acknowledged and it was noted that a detailed analysis of budgets going forward had been requested by the Chief Executive and was in the process of being drafted.


Schools’ Forum welcomed an offer from Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre to advocate on a political level on behalf of Wolverhampton schools for the Department for Education to address the timescales for releasing information and the need for thorough consultation and engagement with schools.


It was noted that Schools’ Forum had opposed the de-delegation during consultation. It was agreed that the recommendations made in the report would be approved subject to the provision of further information to individual schools around what the settlements would mean for them.



1.    That Schools’ Forum note the anticipated DSG settlement for 2022-2023.

2.    That Schools’ Forum endorse and recommend to Cabinet the proposed national funding formula.

3.    That Schools’ Forum note the resulting growth fund and budget allocations to schools in Wolverhampton.

4.    That Schools’ Forum agree the proposed rates for de-delegation from maintained schools for 2022-2023.

5.    That Schools’ Forum agree the proposed rates for maintained schools’ contribution to Education Functions for 2022-2023.

6.    That it be noted that Schools’ Forum will receive further reports in February 2022 detailing the breakdown of High Needs, Early Years and Central Services Blocks budgets along with a Schools Block report detailing final school budget shares.

Supporting documents: