Agenda item

City Public Realm Works

[To receive a presentation on City Public Realm Works]. 


The Temporary Director of City Housing and Environment presented slides on the City Public Realm Works.  Phase 1 (Victoria Street) was currently on programme to deliver a new events square to support the Events Programme in the City.  Phase 3 (Civic Halls) was currently on programme to deliver a completed scheme for handover to the Civic Halls operator.  The project was funded by the Future High Street Fund. 


The Temporary Director of City Housing and Environment stated a group had been established which met on a monthly basis to talk to traders about the progress of the works.   It also provided feedback on specific issues and sought to obtain their ideas about events the City could hold in the space.  Social media provided updates on the works and helped to communicate that businesses were still open.  They had secured a business independent advisor to help the Council work with the local business in the area.  It had been an intense period of work which had its challenges. 


The Chair asked where the project could be improved.  The Temporary Director of City Housing and Environment responded that there had been some challenges with engaging with some of the businesses.  When works were about to start the City was still in Covid lockdown and some of the messages and leaflets couldn’t be sure had been received and read.   During the works a large damaged sewer had been identified with a 3 meter void, which needed to be repaired by Severn Trent, meaning that the work programme had to be changed. 


The Head of Enterprise added that the Independent Business Advisor had helped with the communication.  Some businesses had changed hands and there had been new businesses established. 


A Panel Member praised the plans.  They asked about car parking for the disabled and the vulnerable in the public realm areas.   He stated that there had been problems in Bilston during the WMCA Tram works.  He asked why an independent advisor had been employed after the traders had complained because it could have been foreseen there would be problems.  He asked if an impact study had been completed before the works commenced.  Six months into the works, traders were still struggling and he believed they had not yet received any compensation from the Council for profits lost. 


The Temporary Director of City Housing and Environment responded there were plans for parking for the disabled.  They had also been working with the traders to ensure they were aware of these plans.  There was a liaison Officer employed, but it was true that they had not foreseen the extent of the impact on the traders.  Coming out of a pandemic, switching in retail behaviour and the pandemic meant it was hard to predict the level of impact. 


The Head of Enterprise acknowledged that a lesson had been learnt on the extent of liaison required with traders for the Public Realm project.  Strong robust data and analysis was required on any level of compensation and support to be awarded to businesses.  The businesses advisor was able to give impartial independent advice to the Council.  Any compensation payments needed to go through the correct governance process of the Council. 


The Temporary Director of City Housing and Environment added that the grant funding allocated to the Council for the project did not include provision for any compensation payments to businesses.  Sometimes works were scheduled so shops could maintain access such as late night and early morning working.


A Panel Member commented that the feedback he was receiving from businesses within the City as a whole was one of a lack of support from the Council.  He asked about the costs of the independent business advisor.  The Head of Enterprise responded that a tender process had taken place for the advisor, which was required as they needed to be independent.  A local business advisor had been recruited, 4 of his team had been liaising with the traders.  Now European funding was coming to an end, the funding they received to support businesses more generally within the City would change and the criteria on how they could support them. The programme needed to be shaped going forward and work needed to take place with the WMCA.  The Shared Prosperity Funding was a key part of the new system.  Members asked for a report on the matter to be brought to the Panel at an appropriate time. 


Members asked for a report on the compensation and support package to being offered to businesses in the area of the public realm works to be brought back to the Panel when there was a clearer picture.


A Panel Member stated that the Express and Star were provided with monthly updates regarding the public realm, they asked whether the Panel should receive them.  The Temporary Director of City Housing and Environment responded that the updates were of a technical type.  He could share them with the Panel but he wasn’t sure of their value.  The Chair said she would talk to the Director about whether there would be value in this course of action and would consider the agendas of the Panel moving forward.   


Resolved: That the Panel receives a report on the compensation and support package being offered to businesses within the area of the public realm works, when it is clearer as to what is to be offered. 


Resolved: That a report be brought to the Panel at an appropriate time regarding funding the Council would receive in the future to support businesses more generally across the City.