Agenda item

Motions on Notice

[That Council consider the motions received]


1.    That the motion on St John Ambulance be agreed.

2.    That the motion on Photo ID be agreed.


Councillor Linda Leach moved a motion on St John Ambulance:


“Wolverhampton is a city proud of all our volunteers and communities – throughout the recent pandemic this council has been humbled by the dedication and support of our residents who have given their time freely to support other people in this city.


City of Wolverhampton Council wishes to formerly recognise and congratulate St John Ambulance as 2022 marks the centenary of the first St John Cadet Unit in England. Throughout the pandemic the Cadets have supported the NHS Vaccination Programme, continued to deliver training through online sessions and provided invaluable support to our communities. This has supported some of the most vulnerable people in Wolverhampton.


This council also notes the achievement of the Badgers programme this year celebrating its 35-year anniversary, recognising the value young people bring to our communities and encouraging children to understand the importance of learning new skills, staying safe and supporting the communities in which they live.


In celebrating St John Ambulance’s success, this Council will continue to

encourage and support the expansion of the voluntary sector in Wolverhampton for everyone including young people.”


Councillor Linda Leach outlined the rationale for the motion. Councillor Phil Bateman seconded the motion and outlined the rationale for supporting the motion.


The motion was debated by Council.


Resolved: That the motion on St John Ambulance be agreed


Councillor Ian Brookfield, Leader of the Council, moved a motion on Photo ID:


The Elections Act 2022 was passed by Parliament in April 2022, requiring voters in Great Britain to show photo ID before being issued with a ballot paper at UK elections and local elections in England.


This Council believes that the requirement of the Act for voters to show photo ID before being issued with a ballot paper is unnecessary; it addresses a problem that doesn’t exist.


This Council is committed to encouraging greater participation in elections and believes that the requirement for electors to show photo identification when voting will be a deterrent to voters who don’t possess valid photo ID.


With the city set for ‘all out local elections’ in May 2023, the short timetable and lack of clarity about the implementation of this proposal could cause many Wulfrunian voters to be disenfranchised and exacerbate the burden on already overstretched Council officers.


The Council instructs its Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to urge him not to implement this policy for the local elections in May 2023 and for him to consider scrapping this unnecessary proposal altogether.


Should the Minister refuse to respond positively to the Council’s request, the Chief Executive is urged to launch a comprehensive publicity campaign with regard to promoting the changes and the option for voting by post.”


Councillor Ian Brookfield outlined the rationale for the motion. Councillor Stephen Simkins seconded the motion and outlined the rationale for supporting the motion.


The motion was debated by Council.


The Conservative Group withdrew from the meeting.


Upon being put to the meeting, and a division having been demanded and taken voting thereon was as follows:


The substantive motion was CARRIED by 35 votes.


Resolved: That the motion on cost of living be agreed

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