Agenda item

WMCA Scrutiny Annual Report

[To consider the WMCA Scrutiny Annual Report].


The Chair of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Cathryn Bayton, introduced their Annual Scrutiny Report.  She stated that all the Constituent Authorities and Non-Constituent Authorities nominated an elected Member to sit on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  She was on the Committee as one of the Association of Black Country Authorities representatives.  The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, constitutionally had to be of the opposing party to that of the Mayor of the West Midlands.  Additionally, the Chair of the Transport Scrutiny Sub-Committee had to be a Member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and be of an opposing party to the Mayor.


The Chair of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Overview and Scrutiny Committee stated that there were six meetings a year of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the same applied for the Transport Scrutiny Sub-Committee.  There were also two question and answer sessions with the Mayor on Policy and Finance.  The Annual report outlined the deep dives that had been conducted during the municipal year, which included a review on housing.  The planned skills review had been carried forward to the next municipal year due to work load demands on the housing review.  Sessions had taken place with Portfolio Holders that covered Housing and Land, and Air Quality. 


The Chair of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Overview and Scrutiny Committee referred to the briefing note which had been circulated with the agenda.  This detailed the work to date of the Scrutiny Committee in the current municipal year.  Much of the work of the Committee had been considering the Trailblazing Devolution Deal.  This work had included having five separate workshops.  A report following the workshops would be submitted to the WMCA Board the following week.  This report would form part of the Combined Authority’s submission to Government, if it was ratified at the Board.   


The Chair of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Overview and Scrutiny Committee commented that the Committee were undertaking a skills deep dive this year.  The work was underway and was expected to be reported in March 2023.  She also Chaired the Transport Scrutiny Sub-Committee.  They had considered the Commonwealth Games and the lessons learnt. Walking, cycling and automated mobility had featured as part of the Committees work.  They had recently considered the Bus Service Improvement Plan.  Next year, Scrutiny would be looking in detail at the expected Bus Franchise Report.


A Panel Member referred to the suspension of the Midland Metro Service which was detailed within the report.  He asked if there had been any conclusions from the Scrutiny work that had taken place and if there were any plans to follow up on the work.  His second question related to the extensions of line one on the Metro and the delays that had been occurring in Wolverhampton for a short stretch of track.  He hoped the WMCA Committee would take note of the impact of the delays on the City, including the economic and reputational impact.  He gave praise to the transport organisation during the Commonwealth Games. 


The Chair of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Overview and Scrutiny Committee responded that the transport arrangements had gone smoothly for the Commonwealth Games and she wasn’t aware of any criticisms.  Extra bus transport and coaches had been arranged to cope with the rail strikes which had been taking place.  On the question regarding the suspension of the Metro Service, due to cracks appearing, the Mayor had commissioned an independent report.  She had asked to see the report as had Members of the Public.  She hoped the WMCA Scrutiny Committee would consider the independent report early in the New Year.  On the matter of the line one extensions and in particular the delays in Wolverhampton it was important to holder the providers of service to account for the delays.  She was intending to speak to the Chairman of the Transport Delivery Committee about how they could hold Midland Metro to account and to understand what the problems were with the delays.  The Committee hoped to understand the mitigations they could or should have put in place.  She understood the economic impact the delays could have. 


The Vice-Chair asked if the WMCA Scrutiny Committee had ever invited the WMCA Portfolio Holder for Economy and Innovation to one of their Scrutiny meetings.  He asked what the main benefits were of having a Chair who was not of the same party as the Mayor.  The Chair of the West Midlands Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee responded, that the Portfolio Holder had not yet been invited to a WMCA Scrutiny Meeting.  Portfolio Holders were invited sometimes when there was a specific paper or review before the Committee.  There had been Question and Answer sessions held with the Mayor and the Portfolio Holder for Transport.  The Chair of the WMCA Scrutiny Committee had to be from a different party to the Mayor as it was a constitutional requirement.  She believed that scrutiny at the WMCA had been a good example of cross-party scrutiny.  She was of the view that having opposition Chairs added to transparency. 


A Panel Member asked if there was anything written into the contract with the Midland Metro Alliance about how they were held to account.  He supported the position of the Chair of a Scrutiny Committee not being from the ruling group.  The Chair of the WMCA Scrutiny Committee responded that she was not aware of any contractual requirements.  The Midland Metro Alliance would be therefore asked to attend the Committee by invitation. 


A Panel Member commented that if the opposition were to take the roles of Chair and Vice-Chair of Scrutiny Panels, it was important to consider whether the opposition had enough Members on the Council to fulfil the roles.    


A Member of the Panel referred to a national report on housing target numbers.  The report stated that if there was particularly strong local opposition, then the housing target numbers might not be adhered to.  She asked if the Chair of the WMCA Scrutiny Committee had any more information on the matter.  She asked if the WMCA were doing anything extra on skills and unemployment which was a particular problem in Wolverhampton.  She hoped the WMCA Portfolio Holder for Economy and Innovation would be called to the Scrutiny Committee.  The Chair of the WMCA Scrutiny Committee responded that there would be a report in March following the skills deep dive.  There was a deficit across the whole of the Black Country.  With reference to the question on housing she had only seen the national reports.  It was the responsibility of each Local Authority to set their own housing target and how they went about delivering them.  There was a duty to co-operate with neighbouring authorities where housing and brownfield land was in short supply.


A Panel Member hoped that Wolverhampton Members who represented the Authority on the WMCA would be called to a Scrutiny Board in the future to present on the areas they covered within the WMCA. 


The Chair on behalf of the Panel thanked the Chair and Scrutiny Officer of the WMCA Overview and Scrutiny Committee for their attendance. 








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