Agenda item

Grass Verges

[To receive a briefing note on grass verges]. 


The Head of Environmental Services presented a report on grass verges.  He outlined the main points covered in the report.  The Environmental Place Based Development Manager and the representative from Transport Services detailed the legislation that could be used in enforcement activity on grass verges. 


The Vice-Chair displayed some photographs he had taken of grass verges damaged by vehicles.  The photos were from Buttons Farm Road in Penn, Henwood Road in Compton and Pool Hall Crescent.  He felt specific solutions were needed for specific areas, such as defined parking spaces.   


The Director for City Housing and Environment responded that creating car parking space could be expensive, particularly if there were services in the grass verge.  It was important to look at grass verges on a case-by-case basis, considering finance and taking into account any road safety issues.


A Panel Member expressed a concern of costs in changing grass verges.  Finding a solution in one area would raise expectations that all of them in the City could be rectified.   She did express a concern that when utility companies carried out works on grass verges, they only used grass seed, which tended not to grow.  Some grass verges, she was aware suffered from extensive weeds or overgrown grass which was not attractive.  The Head of Environmental Services asked for the place details to be passed onto him by the Councillor, so he could investigate the issue.  If the details were passed onto him, where the utility companies had not made good the grass verge, he would contact them and ask them to re-seed or returf the area.  


A Panel Member commented on the importance of enforcement.  The Environmental Place Based Development Manager responded that the Council could enforce, the problem was the burden of proof. 


A Member of the Panel commented that the majority of their case work related to parking and housing.  In the cul-de-sac where she lived there was one person who had 12 vehicles parked outside their house.  She had seen some residents place boulders on grass verges to deter parking.  This caused her some safety concerns, such as people walking home in the dark who could stumble on the boulder.  She felt a good solution was for people to have their own driveways where possible.


The Director for City Housing and Environment referred to Bushbury TMO which had supplied some off-road car parking for residents.  Clearly the Council would not be able to afford installing driveways at people’s homes.  


There was a discussion about what entailed an obstruction on the footpath and the legal position. 


A Panel Member commented on the transition of cars to electric power and the need for this to be taken into consideration when addressing grass verges in the future.  Electric charge points on residential streets could be the future.  The Director of City Housing and Environment responded that 80 new electric charging points were about to be installed in Wolverhampton. 


A Panel Member commented on the green agenda and the importance of green space in the absorption of water and therefore the alleviation of flooding.  Considering green space for homes in the future was important and how electric cars were charged.  Planning for the future was vital, he appreciated the shortcomings of the current legislation in relation to grass verges.  He though the green agenda was a good area to focus on for Scrutiny Board in the future. 


A Panel Member referred to the duty in legislation for the Council to maintain grass verges.  The Head of Environmental Services responded that they did carry out certain maintenance activity on grass verges when it was appropriate.  The Panel Member asked for alternatives and solutions to grass verges where there were particular problems. 











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