Agenda item

15/01422/FUL Land adjacent to Halfway House, 115 Tettenhall Road

To determine the application.


The Committee received a report regarding application 15/01442/FUL, land adjacent to the Halfway House, 115 Tettenhall Road.  The purpose of the report was an application for an apartment development for 20 flats.


Ms E Stone addressed the Committee and spoke in opposition of the application.


Planning Officer, Phillip Walker responded in respect of the access issues raised to the effect that there would be sufficient parking for the size of the development and that the proposals did not pose a highway safety risk.


The Transport Officer addressed the committee and explained that the level of parking generated by 20 flats would be unlikely to have a significant impact on surrounding traffic flows and safety.  He was not of the opinion that the risk was over and above that of the previous use and there was not a significant risk of collision.


The Committee discussed the issues surrounding the volume of vehicles using the junction and the impact that the traffic had on the surrounding roads, especially at peak times.  Further that vehicles turning right across the flow of traffic at the exit to the car park would only exacerbate existing traffic problems.  However, it was noted that the proposals would bring into use a disused site that was within a conservation area.


In response to questions the Planning Officer explained that a detailed drainage scheme would have to be submitted.  Further, that the three storey building would be in line with other properties of that type and that it stepped down at the rear, reducing to two storeys.  Moreover, the trees that would be removed were not the best specimens and their loss would be mitigated by the provision of replacement tree planting.


In response to points raised by the Committee, the Transport Officer advised that he was awaiting a response from the Department of Transport regarding signage that would tell drivers to ‘turn left only’. 


It was moved and seconded that subject to the response Department of Transport the Director of City Assets be given delegated authority to either approve of refuse the application.




1.     That the Director of City assets be given delegated authority to either approve of refuse the application subject to the response of the Department of Transport.


2.     Should the Department of Transport not agree to the ‘turn left only’ signage at the exit of the site the Director of City Assets be given delegated authority to refuse planning application 15/01422/FUL. Or;


3.     Should the Department of Transport agree to the ‘turn left only’ signage at the exit of the site the Director of City Assets be given delegated authority to grant planning application 15/01422/FUL subject to


If the development is financially viable:

(i)       A Section 106 planning obligation for the following

        £53,392 off-site open space contribution to be spent on improvements to West Park

        Five affordable housing units

        10% renewable energy

        Management company for communal areas

        Targeted recruitment and training


If the development is not fully financially viable:

A reduction in Section 106 requirements (except for target recruitment and management company) commensurate with the shortfall in viability on a pro-rata basis for all flats that are ready for occupation within 3 years of the date that a lack of viability is established, with the full (pro-rata) requirement falling on all dwellings that are not ready for occupation by that date.


(ii) any appropriate conditions including:



        Tree protection measures;

        Construction management plan;


        Hours of construction to be between 0800 to 1800 Monday to Friday; 0800 to 1300 Saturday and at no time on Sundays or Bank and Public Holidays

        Boundary treatments

        Provision and retention of car parking and cycle/motorcycle parking

        Existing ground levels and proposed finished ground floor levels

        Bin stores

        Obscure glazing for en-suite bathroom windows for upper floor flats numbered 11, 12, 13 and 19

        Ecological protection measures

        Car park signage.

        ‘Left turn only’ signage and road markings to deter right hand turns

        External lighting

        Privacy screen for balcony serving flat 19

Supporting documents: