Agenda item

Digital Wolves Strategy Update

[Heather Clark, Head of External Funding and Digital Projects, to present report]


The Chair invited Heather Clark, Head of Digital Projects, to present the report.

The Head of Digital Projects commented on the importance of a futureproofed digital infrastructure to Wolverhampton and highlighted the benefits of the infrastructure to the City.

The Head of Digital Projects commented on the progress made since the previous digital strategy was approved in in January 2020. The latest version of the strategy builds on progress made since this was published. The Head of Digital Projects outlined the key aims of the strategy, for example, the ambition for Wolverhampton to be a Gigabit and Smart City using futureproofed digital infrastructure, including full fibre broadband and 5G..

The Head of Digital Projects commented on the key achievements of the digital Wolverhampton programme since 2019 to date. The Head of Digital Projects added that the Cabinet Member for Digital Cities and Resources has responsibility to taking forward the strategy.

The Head of Digital Projects briefed the panel about progress of developing the digital infrastructure and the key achievements to date, highlighting the fact that Wolverhampton has now surpassed other Black Country authorities in terms of both gigabyte growth and full fibre growth compared to the situation in 2020. The Head of Digital Projects listed the range of local and wider benefits of improving the digital infrastructure for different groups, such as new jobs, increase in property prices and cost savings and increased productivity.

The Head of Digital Projects commented on the progress of the digital inclusion work and gave examples of case studies of how individuals have benefit from the different initiatives such as Wolves Tech Aid.

The Head of Digital Projects outlined a range of initiatives linked to work to further build on the digital innovation and the economy.

The panel were invited to comment on the report and the presentation.

The panel welcome the report and congratulated the presenter on the excellent progress made since 2019 and the decisions made since to introduce a range of initiatives to anticipate and adapt to future technological innovations.

The panel commented on the higher charges from the company installing full fibre broadband for residential properties compared with other internet providers and asked for the details of take up.

The Head of Digital Projects agreed to send a request to CityFibre about the roll out of the programme for details of residential take up rates.


The Head of Digital Projects accepted that the new broadband service is more expensive and advised the panel of work with colleagues in cost-of-living team to promote lower social tariffs for broadband, where people in receipt of certain benefits get cheaper broadband connectivity rates.

The Head of Digital Projects highlighted the offer to help residents to connect to the internet with a six-month phone sim card if they cannot afford broadband connection costs.

The panel welcomed the extra financial support offered to people on qualifying benefits to get access to the internet but queried support for people whose income is above this level but not eligible for any further help as a result. The panel suggested this group of residents should also be supported in the future with other help if they cannot afford to connect to the broadband.

The Head of Digital Projects commented that people who do not qualify for social tariffs are encouraged to check internet provider comparison see current offers, which can be similar to the social tariff rates available.

The panel discussed the work being done to encourage residents to develop their digital skills and change careers into digital jobs and queried if the level of training offered would allow them to apply for higher skilled jobs.

The panel also queried the support from the Council to get businesses to use local people with digital skills trained in Digital Bootcamps rather risk them going to Manchester or London for jobs.

The panel queried the incentives provided by the Council to encourage digital businesses to either remain in Wolverhampton or to re-locate to the area.

The Head of Digital Projects commented that the Digital Bootcamps provide training over several weeks, which can be done either face to face or online and is focused on job opportunities with employers. The Head of Digital Projects added that the job roles the training given is aimed at does not require an ICT background and highlighted the importance of a willingness of people to learn new skills at this stage of their career development.

The Head of Digital Projects commented that the Council is working with the University of Wolverhampton to promote their digital offer and highlighted the strength of the offer. There is recent evidence of digital businesses being attracted to Wolverhampton based on the offer.

The Head of Digital Projects commented on the work being done to develop digital skills of local people which will be supported by the creation of the Digital Wolverhampton Infrastructure Academy referred to in the presentation. The work of the Academy will help residents to benefit from job opportunities created through the upgrading of digital infrastructure.

TheHead of Digital Projects commented on the range of work being done by the Council to support businesses to grow and to support digital innovation in key sectors and to promote the digital economy offer in Wolverhampton.

There was panel discussion about possible risk to heath linked to the rollout of the 5G network. The Head of Digital Projects commented on the current findings on studies about any possible risk to health and reassured the panel about safety of the 5G programme. The Director of Strategy agreed to share the links to the findings with panel to offer further reassurance.


1.    The panel welcomed the progress made and the approach taken to delivering priorities in the revised Digital Wolverhampton Strategy.

2.    The panel comments on the progress of the strategy to be noted.

3.    The Head of Digital Projects to provide information on studies which have investigated health risks linked to the 5G programme.

4.    The Head of Digital Projects to provide the panel with information about the take up of CityFibre by residential properties and the date when the installation work will be completed.


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