Agenda item

Blue Badges

[To consider the improvement working taking place on the Blue Badges Service]. 


The Contact Centre Manager gave a presentation on the Blue Badge Scheme.  There had previously been a report on the Blue Badge Scheme in October of the last year.  The presentation covered four areas, application processing performance, Customer Contact and surgery update, Customer Feedback and Service Improvements. 


The Contact Centre Manager stated that average processing time had decreased from 32 days for Q1 to 20 days for Q3.  The timescale set for processing applications by the Department for Transport was 84 days.  3892 applications had been received between 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022.  94% (3760) had been processed with applicants receiving an outcome.  3% (110) were waiting for a Desk Based Assessment or Mobility Assessment by an Occupational Therapist.  2% (70) were awaiting further information from the application.  1% (42) applications were at other stages which included awaiting payment, at appeal or waiting for a cheque to clear.  From Quarter 1 to Quarter 3 calls had been reduced by 8% and emails had reduced by 47%.  77% of calls were answered in 80 seconds from Quarter 1 – Quarter 3.  The noticeable reduction in call and email volumes could be attributed to the reduction in processing time and additional resourcing. 


The Contact Centre Manager stated that with reference to the surgeries they were continuing to deliver Blue Badge surgeries in the community as well as from the Civic Centre.  There were four surgery locations currently running.  The institute in Tettenhall had recently been added as a location.  They would use the data and customer feedback to continue to deliver the surgeries where there was a need. 


The Contact Centre Manager commented there was now live on the Council’s website a step-by-step video guide on how to complete a Blue Badge application with audio and subtitles.  An Occupational Therapy Assistant had been in post since 15 November 2022 processing all physical desk-based assessments for the team.  They had appointed two additional Customer Service Officers to the team.  Since Gov Pay had gone live in February 2022, 74% (2556) of applicants had paid online.


A Panel Member asked about enforcement and whether people could park in disabled spaces without a Blue Badge.  The Contact Centre Manager responded that someone parking in a disabled space without a Blue Badge would face a fine if caught and this was done by the enforcement team.  They were also addressing the issue of people misusing Blue Badges, such as people using out of date badges or appropriating another persons badge and using it as their own. 


A Panel Member commended the presentation and the improvements which had been made to the Service and the surgeries. He asked about bench marking with other authorities. 


The Head of Customer Engagement and Registration responded that the way some authorities set the timescale for Blue Badge processing differed to others, which was why it could be difficult to compare. 


The Vice-Chair asked for some more information about how the surgeries worked.  The Contact Centre Manager responded that they did pre-book appointment for surgeries, a walk-in was offered for the Institute in addition. 


A Panel Member asked for a breakdown of the different types of applications for Blue Badges, such as renewals.  The Officers responded that they would provide the information to be circulated after the meeting. 


The Chair commented that when the Government asked the Council for where improvements could be made in the application process, it could be suggested that people who were certain to be given a Blue Badge at renewal, should not have to fill in a whole form.  It would be better if a shorter renewal form was available.


The Chair thanked the Officers on behalf of the Panel for the presentation. 














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