Agenda item

Parental Ambassadors Programme

[Alex Jones, Assistant Director- School Standards, to present report on the progress of the Parent Ambassadors Programme and to comment on the  scope and effectiveness of Wolverhampton Council’s response to securing the highest possible standards across all Wolverhampton schools.]


Alex Jones, Assistant Director – School Standards, introduced the report and gave an overview of the programme to engage with new community groups in Wolverhampton.


The Assistant Director commented that the programme has successful in engaging parents, the majority of whom have been employed as ambassadors in the schools. The programme is funded and supported by a number of different organisations. The Assistant Director commented that five women from the first wave, who were previously unemployed, are now working part time. In the second wave, 10 parents have been successful in getting part-time employment in schools as community ambassadors.


The panel queried the areas where the scheme is operating. The Assistant Director agreed to send the panel details.


The Assistant Director explained the process for allocating parents to a school. The panel discussed the role of school teaching assistants and the potential for them to do a similar role as the parent ambassador, in view of the language skills that some may already have. The Assistant Director explained that the parent ambassadors have a different role and the need has been identified by the school. The scheme is also partly funded by Big Lottery which has specific criteria about how the money should be used.


The panel queried the time-limited nature of the programme and concern about its long term future. The Assistant Director explained that the programme is managed by the local authority but supported by schools and different local agencies such as Adult Education Service and the Refugee and Migrant Centre.


The panel queried the support given to parents of white British boys who are not performing well, compared to other groups. The Assistant Director accepted that this was an issue but explained that there are already a number of existing programmes aimed at engaging parents in this group to support schools to improve educational performance.


The panel queried the source of the reference in the report that 70% of community parents were unaware of their rights and responsibilities of parents in a UK setting. The Assistant Director agreed to provide more detailed breakdown of the background to this statement and share it with the panel.


The panel commented on the financial implications section of the report which does not make reference to the programme being funded by the Big Lottery. The Assistant Director explained that Council support for the programme is provided by funding from the Dedicated Schools Grant. The Assistant Director explained that the programme is being delivered at no cost to the Council.


The panel welcomed the report and thanked employees and parents involved in the programme for their achievements.


The panel requested details of any future celebration events of the ambassador programme. The Assistant Director agreed to advise the panel.


The panel recommended that the report be presented to the Equalities Advisory Group. The Assistant Director agreed to share a copy of the report with the group.


The panel requested a progress report on the programme in July 2017.



1.    The panel to receive a progress report on the ambassadors programme to a meeting in July 2017.

2.    A copy of the report to be shared with Equalities Advisory Group.

3.    The Assistant Director agreed to provide a briefing paper about the background to this statement that 70% of community parents were not aware of their rights and responsibilities in a UK setting.

4.    The Assistant Director agreed to provide details of where the ambassador programme is be offered to parents.

Supporting documents: