Agenda item

Provision of planned care services by The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust at Cannock Chase Hospital - public consultation interim report

[To note the progress of the public consultation and the communication and engagement plan underpinning the consultation, and provide comments.]



Maxine Epsley introduced the report. She told the panel that the final results of the consultation would be reported to the November meeting, as well as a full equalities impact assessment and action plan, and that this was an interim report. She outlined the activities which had been carried out to ensure that the public really understood what the proposals were, particularly where some services will be dual located. She told the panel that in October when the consultation closes, the information will be analysed and shared. There will be a pre-meeting with Healthwatch to ensure they can comment on it during the scrutiny meeting. Maxine added that the level of feedback and attendance numbers at meetings had been higher than in recent consultations and that such feedback had produced balanced views.


Cllr O’Neill asked how many people had attended the roundtable events. Maxine responded that approximately 130 people over three events, with an additional 50 booked for the Molineaux event and 30 others were seen at the Mander centre. Cllr O’Neill asked when the radio station engagement at the markets would happen and Maxine told the panel that it would be over the next two weeks, with a roving reporter moving across the areas every day.  She added that areas had been targeted where there had been less response to consultation. Cllr O’Neill asked how hard to reach groups were targeted. Maxine responded that the initial equality impact identified ten groups that were particularly vulnerable. In the communication plan, stakeholders e.g. voluntary groups who interact with those people have been encouraged to engage with the vulnerable groups. Cllr O’Neill asked whether the supplementary paper attached was the one which had been agreed at the meeting on 8 August. Maxine responded it was, and that Healthwatch had been briefed on Monday and that the paper it was to be published on the website. Cllr O’Neill asked whether breast screening would remain at New Cross hospital, rather than at Cannock. Maxine responded that screening, outpatient and day surgery would happen at both sites, and the only exclusively Cannock service would be certain complex patients in day surgery. She emphasised that not all breast surgery would be moving from New Cross and Cllr O’Neill suggested that there was a press release made to that effect. Cllr Singh asked how they had engaged with elderly patients in his ward who were concerned about travelling and asked for the date that consultation would be conducted in the Penn ward. Maxine agreed to email the date to Cllr Singh, and provide him with more details with regards to engagement with the elderly population.


Cllr Warren thanked Maxine for the report. He raised concerns that there was a lot of misinformation circulated by the press and word of mouth. He asked whether there had been engagement with tenants and residents groups. Maxine responded that they had had some direct contact with tenants group seeking information, much of which was seeking reassurance, and two tenants groups are having officers from the Trust attend their meetings. She welcomed other groups to be engaged. She emphasised that this was an 18 month process, as many services would not be moving for a number of months, so there would be engagement over a long period of time. David Loughton told the panel that there will be a non-stop bus service from the bus station to New Cross hospital and from New Cross hospital to Cannock on an hourly basis. Cllr Warren responded that he thought the bus service would be well used and asked if there was sufficient demand for a half hourly service, whether it would be provided. David responded that this could be possible.


The meeting was closed.

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