Agenda item

Fostering recruitment strategy report

[Daphne Atkinson, Fostering Team Manager, to present the fostering recruitment process in Wolverhampton, the challenges, particularly in light of the increase in Looked After Children and the strategy to address these challenges.]



8                    Fostering recruitment strategy report


Daphne Atkinson and Alison Hinds introduced the report. Alison outlined the range of work being done to recruit new foster carers and promote the service. Alison explained that Wolverhampton is part of a DfE support initiative with Fostering network and work is being done using social media to engage with potential foster carers and also to explain what is involved in the process and what they should expect.


Daphne commented that Wolverhampton is on target to meets its aims to approving an agreed number of foster care applications.


Daphne commented that the service had received nine referrals contacts last week, which will be followed up. Daphne commented on the use of MOSAIC system to help to profile potential foster carers. The information provided is used to target foster carers in a different way than before.


Daphne commented that the foster care service is looking at the fees policy as part of wider efforts to both support existing foster carers and also recruit new foster carers.


Cllr Gibson commented on the work being done with City Direct who initially takes the enquiries. Cllr Gibson commented that there was not enough follow up during the early stages of the recruitment process.  Daphne commented on the work being done with City Direct when they receive calls to check that the caller meets the basic criteria before referring them. For example, that the caller has a spare bedroom. Daphne explained that work is being done on the revised script for City Direct which will help to improve the situation and ensure that calls are dealt with correctly. This work will be supported by uploading of information on share point.


Cllr Gibson wanted to record her thanks to staff who given up their time to attend public fostering events and show a level of enthusiasm that engaged members of the public.


The panel expressed surprise that the report did not include references to Wolverhampton College and the fostering courses they offer.


Daphne explained the Wolverhampton College are a provider of NVQ and Diploma courses for the service. In addition, the fostering service also provides online training services which provide extensive training opportunities and flexibility of access for foster carers.


The panel commented on the checks done on the suitability of potential foster carers.  Cllr Gibson commented on the reasons why people may not go through the whole process. Cllr Gibson explained that people can start the process again at a future date. Daphne explained that it is important that people are clear about what is expected from them as future foster carers and it fits with their family circumstances and home situation.


Alison commented on the importance of looking at the reasons why people have dropped out and continuing to talk to them and the work done to support existing foster carers.


Daphne commented on the importance of keeping in touch with people who have expressed an interest in wanting to be a foster carer.


The panel commented on the advertising work done to recruit foster carers and the profile of people who apply. Daphne commented on the reasons that people apply and advised that typically they very ordinary people who want to do something for their local community.


The panel queried the reason for the increase in the number of telephone enquiries in May 2013. Daphne explained that during this period there are lot of local and national promotional work linked to national fostering fortnight. Emma Bennett confirmed that the Council website has lots of links to information on the internet, including videos aimed at encouraging people to consider becoming a foster carer




The panel welcomed the report and the progress made.


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