Agenda item

Draft Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018-19 to 2019-20

[Report will be sent to follow]


Alison Shannon, Finance Business Partner, introduced the report and outlined key aspects of the draft budget proposals for 2018-19 and the consultation timetable. The panel were advised that there were no new budget savings proposals that relate to its remit.


The panel were invited to comment on the budget reduction proposals previously presented.


The panel queried the reference in the report to older people promoting independence project and the increase in the number of reviews. The panel queried how this work would be affected by budget savings proposals. The panel also queried if a person’s care needs would be re-assessed in the future, if the level of support was reduced following an assessment.


David Watts, Director of Adults Services, advised the panel that when a person’s needs would be monitored and if the needs change then they will be re-assessed. The Director of Adults Services added that in some circumstances a review of a person’s needs could lead to an increase in the level of care provided. The Director of Adults Services advised that panel that 73% of cases experienced no change in the level of support following an assessment.


The Director of Adults Services commented on the headline Government announcement of an extra £2 billion for adult social care, but advised the panel this was not recurring funding and the amount would be reduced annually. As a result, the Council had to consider how best to use the money and also respond to the challenge in meeting national priority of Department of Health to reduce the number of delayed transfers of care, and changes in local needs.


The Director of Adults Services added that the Government had planned to publish a green paper setting out plans to create a more sustainable financial model in response to concerns that the level of funding was not enough to meet demand. However, the timetable for publication had been delayed and no date has been set when Government will publish its proposals.


The panel expressed concern about the risk to people either living alone or limited family support experiencing financial hardship, as a result of changes in the welfare benefit rules. The Director of Adults Services advised the panel about the work of the welfare rights team who can offer support to people wanting to challenge decisions about their benefits. The panel were advised that the team had been very successful in challenging decisions at appeal hearings.


The panel discussed the quality of care given to residents and wanted assurance about the checks done that the level of care expected is being delivered. The Director of Adults Services commented on work of the quality assurance team to check that the services are being delivered to the standard.

The Director of Adults Services commented that as alternative way of people taking control of the service received was to consider personal budgets which would give more control of the services provided.


The panel queried the work being done to check that the Council is getting value for money from the services that are commissioned. The Director of Adults Services commented on the commissioning process and work done to deliver more efficient care services.



            The panel comments on the Draft Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy to be submitted to Scrutiny Board.

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